New Delhi: The Narcotics Control Bureau arrested Firoz Nadiadwala's wife after conducting a raid at filmmaker residence in Mumbai on Sunday (November 8), a report in ANI said. The drugs law enforcement agency has intensified its probe into the alleged Bollywood drugs case which stemmed from actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death case. NCB also conducted raids Malad, Lokhandwala, Koparkhairane, Kharghar and Andheri and nabbed one drug peddler, the report added.

Also READ| Bollywood Drugs Case: NCB Questions Deepika Padukone's Former Manager Karishma Prakash In Mumbai: Report

"Film producer Firoz Nadiadwala's wife has been arrested today in a drug-related case," Sameer Wankhede, Zonal Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai was quoted as saying by the news agency.

The NCB officials told PTI that Firoz Nadiadwala's wife was arrested after ganja was recovered at their home in Juhu. She was arrested under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. The agency summoned the filmmaker to appear before them for questioning but he failed to do so.

The NCB issued a notice to Shabana Saeed under the section 67 of the NDPS Act and arrested her after recording her statement. "Firoz Nadiadwala's wife Shabana Saeed was issued a notice under section 67 of the NDPS Act. She was arrested after her statement was recorded," officials told PTI.

Firoz Nadiadwala has produced several Hindi films including' Welcome', 'Welcome Back', 'Awara Pagal Deewaana', 'Phir Hera Pheri' to name a few.

On a related note, Arjun Rampal's girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades' brother Agisilaos Demetriades was granted bail by a special court on November 6 after he was arrested by the NCB in a drugs case. Despite getting bail, the NCB took him into custody in connection with another drug-related case.

Meanwhile, a special NDPS court adjourned the hearing on a pre-arrest bail plea of Karishma Prakash in a drugs related case till November 10. Karishma is the former manager of Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.

Also READ: Deepika Padukone’s Ex-Manager Karishma Prakash’s Anticipatory Bail Plea Postponed By Special NDPS Court To November 10

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