The Congress Party has officially nominated Kadiyam Kavya, the daughter of former Telangana Deputy CM Kadiyam Srihari, as its candidate for the Warangal constituency in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. This announcement was made by the All India Congress Committee (AICC) on Monday night. Kavya and Srihari, who were BRS MLAs, joined the Congress Party on Sunday, in the presence of Chief Minister and State Congress President A Revanth Reddy.
Explaining their decision, Srihari mentioned that due to various reasons, people are distancing themselves from BRS. Therefore, in order to serve the constituents and contribute positively, he expressed intent to align with the Congress party.
Meanwhile, Kavya, who previously represented BRS as a candidate from Warangal, withdrew from the race recently, citing allegations of corruption and phone tapping against the previous K Chandrasekhar Rao-led administration.
Kadiyam Srihari held ministerial positions in undivided Andhra Pradesh from 1995 to 2004. During this period, he served in various capacities including Marketing, Social Welfare, Education, and later Irrigation under the administration of Nara Chandrababu Naidu.
Later, he served as deputy chief minister in KCR's First Cabinet in Telangana. Earlier, Kavya's father said that she was not interested in contesting the polls.
In recent weeks, numerous senior leaders moved out of BRS opting to join either the ruling Congress or the BJP in Telangana.
Polling for the general elections in Telangana is scheduled to take place on May 13. The counting will take place on June 4.
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