लोकसभा चुनाव LIVE: नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू बोले- डंके की चोट पर कहता हूं कि पीएम चौकीदार नहीं, चोर है
Rajkot: In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Kundariya Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai from Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) won the elections by a margin of 246428 votes. The polling / voting in Rajkot constituency in the 2019 General elections took place in Phase 3 on 23 April. The major contest is between Bharatiya Janata Party#s Mohan Kundariya and Congress Party#s Lalit kagathara
Rajkot 2014 Lok Sabha PollsIn the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Bharatiya Janata Party won 26 out of the 26 parliamentary seat with 60.11 percent vote share while the Indian National Congress managed to win just seats with a 33.45 percent vote share.
Voter turnout in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections in Rajkot Lok Sabha Lok Sabha constituency. The total voter turnout was 63.84% Lok Sabha percent with 68.61% Lok Sabha percent male voters turning out to cast their votes. Meanwhile, 58.63% Lok Sabha percent of the women voters cast their votes and 18249 Lok Sabha voters pressed on the NOTA
Out of the 15 Lok Sabha candidates who contested the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from Rajkot, 13 had to deposit their security. The voters gave their mandate in favour of Kundariya Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai of the Bharatiya Janta Party as he defeated Kunvarjibhai Mohanbhai Bavaliya by a margin of 246428 votes.
Here are the past results of the Lok Sabha polls in Rajkot constituency in Gujarat
- 2009 Lok Sabha Elections: In 15th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate defeated Bharatiya Janta Party candidate with a difference of 24735 votes. Here, Indian National Congress leader Kunwarjibhai Mohanbhai Bavaliya attained 307553 votes and Bharatiya Janta Party candidate Kirankumar Valjibhai Bhalodia (Patel) bagged 282818 votes
- 2004 Lok Sabha Elections: In 14th Lok Sabha poll, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defated Nationalist Congress Party candidate in one-sided contest. Here, BJP candidate Dr. Kathiria Vallabhbhai Ramjibhai attained 320604 votes and NCP's Balvantbhai Bachubhai Manvar bagged 176634 votes.
- 1999 Lok Sabha Elections: In 13th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate had defeated Indian National Congress candidate by a margin of 86747 votes BJP candidate Dr Kathiriya Vallabhbhai Ramjibhai had got 312941 while INC got Radadiya Vithalbhai Hansarajbhai votes.
- 1998 Lok Sabha Elections: In 12th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defated AIRJP candidate in one-sided contest. Here, BJP candidate Dr.Kathiriya Vallabhbhai Ramjibhai attained 480316 votes and AIRJP's Radadiya Vithalbhai Hansrajbhai bagged 126129 votes.
- 1996 Lok Sabha Elections: In 11th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defeated Indian National Congress candidate with a difference of 40820 votes. Here, Bharatiya Janta Party leader Dr. Kathiriya Vallabhbhai Ramjibhai attained 210626 votes and Indian National Congress candidate Vakariya Shivlalbhai Nagjibhai bagged 169806 votes
- 1991 Lok Sabha Elections: In 10th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate had defeated Indian National Congress candidate by a margin of 54860 votes BJP candidate Shivlalbhai Veraria had got 277289 while INC got Manoharsinhji Pradumnasinhji Jadeja votes.
- 1989 Lok Sabha Elections: In Ninth Lok Sabha poll, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defated Indian National Congress candidate in one-sided contest. Here, BJP candidate Vekaria Shivlal Nagibhai attained 345185 votes and INC's Ramaben Ramjibhi bagged 150759 votes.
- 1984 Lok Sabha Elections: In 8th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated Bharatiya Janta Party candidate by a margin of 57590 votes INC candidate Mavani Ramaben Ramjibhai had got 225360 while BJP got Shukla Chimanbhai Harilal votes.
- 1980 Lok Sabha Elections: In 7th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated JNP candidate by a margin of 53476 votes INC(I) candidate Mavani Ramjibhai Bhurabhai had got 158220 while JNP got Shukla Chimanbhai Harilal votes.
- 1977 Lok Sabha Elections: In Sixth Lok Sabha election, BLD candidate defeated INC candidate with a difference of 15801 votes. Here, BLD leader Patel Keshubhai Savdasbhai attained 143051 votes and INC candidate Arvindkumar Mohanlal Patel bagged 127250 votes
- 1971 Lok Sabha Elections: In Fifth Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated SWA candidate by a margin of 67479 votes INC candidate Ghanshyambhai Oza had got 142481 while SWA got Minoo Masani votes.
- 1967 Lok Sabha Elections: In Fourth Lok Sabha election, interesting battle could be seen between SWA and INC here SWA candidate defeated his INC counterpart with a difference of 6476 votes.
- 1962 Lok Sabha Elections: In Third Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate defeated IND candidate with a difference of 41033 votes. Here, Indian National Congress leader Uchharangrai Navalshanker Dhebar attained 102344 votes and IND candidate Narottam Laxmichand Shah bagged 61311 votes