Highlights: UP Board Results 2019 DECLARED @upresults.nic.in; 80.07% pass 10th, 70.6% clear 12th exam

Jalgaon: In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, A.T. Nana Patil from Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) won the elections by a margin of 383525 votes. The polling / voting in Jalgaon constituency in the 2019 General elections took place in Phase 3 on 23 April. The major contest is between Bharatiya Janata Party#s Unmesh Bhaiyyasaheb Patil and Nationalist Congress Party#s Gulabrao Deokar
Jalgaon 2014 Lok Sabha PollsIn the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Bharatiya Janata Party won 23 out of the 48 parliamentary seat with 27.3 percent vote share while the Shiv Sena managed to win just 18 seats with a 20.6 percent vote share.
Voter turnout in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections in Jalgaon Lok Sabha Lok Sabha constituency. The total voter turnout was 57.98% Lok Sabha percent with 65.44% Lok Sabha percent male voters turning out to cast their votes. Meanwhile, 49.50% Lok Sabha percent of the women voters cast their votes and 3268 Lok Sabha voters pressed on the NOTA
Out of the 20 Lok Sabha candidates who contested the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from Jalgaon, 18 had to deposit their security. The voters gave their mandate in favour of A.T. Nana Patil of the Bharatiya Janta Party as he defeated Annasaheb Dr.Satish Bhaskarrao Patil by a margin of 383525 votes.
Here are the past results of the Lok Sabha polls in Jalgaon constituency in Maharashtra
- 2009 Lok Sabha Elections: In 15th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate had defeated Nationalist Congress Party candidate by a margin of 96020 votes BJP candidate A.T. (Nana) Patil had got 343647 while NCP got Adv. Vasantrao Jivanrao More votes.
- 2004 Lok Sabha Elections: In 14th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defeated Indian National Congress candidate with a difference of 20646 votes. Here, Bharatiya Janta Party leader Y. G. Mahajan attained 298865 votes and Indian National Congress candidate Dr. Ulhas Vasudeo Patil bagged 278219 votes
- 1999 Lok Sabha Elections: In 13th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate had defeated Indian National Congress candidate by a margin of 89795 votes BJP candidate Y G Mahajan Sir had got 334020 while INC got Dr Ulhas Vasudeo Patil votes.
- 1998 Lok Sabha Elections: In 12th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated Bharatiya Janta Party candidate by a margin of 56814 votes INC candidate Dr.Ulhas Vasudeo Patil had got 339980 while BJP got Gunwantrao Rambhau Sarode votes.
- 1996 Lok Sabha Elections: In 11th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate had defeated Indian National Congress candidate by a margin of 84087 votes BJP candidate Gunwantrao Rambhau Sarode had got 268654 while INC got Mahajan Jivram Tukaram votes.
- 1991 Lok Sabha Elections: In 10th Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Janta Party candidate defeated Indian National Congress candidate with a difference of 24265 votes. Here, Bharatiya Janta Party leader Gunavant Rambhau Saroda attained 233587 votes and Indian National Congress candidate Mahajan Jivram Tukaram bagged 209322 votes
- 1989 Lok Sabha Elections: In Ninth Lok Sabha election, interesting battle could be seen between Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janta Party here Indian National Congress candidate defeated his Bharatiya Janta Party counterpart with a difference of 5436 votes.
- 1984 Lok Sabha Elections: In 8th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated ICS candidate by a margin of 54465 votes INC candidate Mahajan Yadav Shivram had got 231537 while ICS got Patil Pralhadrao Eknathrao votes.
- 1980 Lok Sabha Elections: In 7th Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated JNP candidate by a margin of 96358 votes INC(I) candidate Yadav Shivram Mahajan had got 196550 while JNP got Borole Yashwant Manasaram votes.
- 1977 Lok Sabha Elections: In Sixth Lok Sabha election, BLD candidate defeated INC candidate with a difference of 12186 votes. Here, BLD leader Borole Yashwant Mansaram attained 170451 votes and INC candidate Mahajan Yadav Shivaram bagged 158265 votes
- 1971 Lok Sabha Elections: In Fifth Lok Sabha poll, Indian National Congress candidate defated PSP candidate in one-sided contest. Here, INC candidate Krishnarao Madhavrao Patil attained 189304 votes and PSP's Gajananrao Raghunathrao Garud bagged 61335 votes.
- 1967 Lok Sabha Elections: In Fourth Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated PSP candidate by a margin of 66061 votes INC candidate S. S. Samadali had got 125638 while PSP got G. R. Garud votes.
- 1962 Lok Sabha Elections: In Third Lok Sabha election, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated PSP candidate by a margin of 70385 votes INC candidate Julalsing Shankarrao Patil had got 156925 while PSP got Saushir Cursetji Bharucha votes.
- 1951 Lok Sabha Elections: In India's Very First Lok Sabha Polls, Indian National Congress candidate had defeated SP candidate by a margin of 74296 votes INC candidate Pataskar Hari Vinayak had got 127361 while SP got Chavan Devram Ramji votes.
A total of 58.6 lakh students had appeared in the examinations this year
• Class 10th total pass % - 80.07% Pass
Girl - 83.98%
Boys 76.66%
• Class 12th total pass % - 70.6% Pass
Girl - 76.46%
Boys - 64.40%
User can select 10th and 12th on this iframe. They will get both option be it on 10th page or 12th page.

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