If You Lose Your Credit Card, Do This Immediately To Avoid Trouble
When a credit card is lost, people dont often take it too seriously as they apply for a replacement. Losing a bank card should not be taken lightly, as it may be misused.
People often lose their credit cards when they lose their wallets. When this happens, people often apply for another card, treating it as a minor incident. Experts say that it should not be taken lightly. You should contact the concerned bank and block the card immediately. In the bank, you need to provide information on the date and time when the card was lost or stolen. At the same time, the bank can also ask for information on the date and amount of the last transaction, so it is better to keep this information on hand.
Use of Mobile App to block card: In case the card is stolen or lost, you can also block it yourself through the mobile app. If the issuing bank has a mobile app, you can use this app to block your lost card. In case the card cannot be blocked from the mobile app, you need to head to the bank to do so.
Bank would issue a new card: The card can be blocked on request. The bank would issue you a new card-based for the same account so that you can continue taking advantage of all the facilities you were using before.
Update your address upon change: If you have changed your house or city, you need to update your address with the bank. In case you don't update your address, the credit card will be delivered to the old address and would eventually be returned to the bank. If the card is returned, paperwork has to be done to get it again. If the address is not updated, the card information can also fall into the wrong hands.
Don't disclose information over the phone: If you lose your card, keep in mind that you don't have to disclose your bank account details when you get a call from everyone. Cybercriminals can take advantage of such an opportunity to extract personal information from you. You need to stay cautious. Also, do not reply to any e-mail asking for personal banking information.