Home Loan Tips: Here Are Some Important Things To Know Before Applying For Loan
Here are some details that you need to know if you are also planning to buy a house. You should calculate your earnings before you apply for a home loan.
Home Loan: You should calculate your earnings before you apply for a home loan. This is necessary because banks provide home loans according to your earnings. Your chances of getting a loan also depend on your repayment.
In fact, the bank first checks whether you can repay the home loan. The more earnings you have, the more amount the bank is willing to lend you for loans. The duration and interest rate of the home loan also depends on the amount of the loan.
Applicant is essential: You need an applicant for a home loan. In most cases, it is mandatory to have an applicant. If your home is a one-owner property, then anyone in your family can become an applicant.
How to get the loan amount: The amount of the home loan is given to you in lump sum or installment. It can have a maximum of 3 installments. In the case where the property is not ready, you can make an agreement with the lending bank where the amount of home loan will be given to the builder according to the construction. In the case of 'ready to move' property, the loan amount can be received in a lump sum.
Home loan payment can be closed before time: You can also close the home loan account well before its maturity. If you have taken a loan at a floating internet rate, you won't be charged extra. But if it is at a fixed rate, the bank can charge you accordingly.
Interest rate options on loans: The interest rate on a home loan can be both fixed or flexible. Fixed interest rates are fixed in advance, while flexible interest rates keep changing.
Documents required: The home loan form is accompanied by a complete checklist of documents. You have to put a photo with your application. For buying a property, the bank will ask you to provide your identity and residence proof, salary slip, Form 16, or income tax return with a bank statement for the last 6 months. Some home loan institutions also ask for life insurance policies, share papers, NSC, mutual fund units, bank deposits, or other investment papers as mortgages.