Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (November 3) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 3rd house for Aries, indicating an increase in courage.

  • Due to the festival season and the influence of Mercury, valour, and Siddh Yoga, you may have a golden opportunity in business.

  • Your efforts and planning at the workspace will help you complete your important tasks on time.

  • There could be plans to visit someone familiar with family.

  • On a social and political level, you might be invited as a guest to a platform.

  • Students in the field of banking and insurance will perform excellently in their respective fields.

  • There might be plans for a candlelight dinner with your love or life partner.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 2nd house for Taurus, which could lead to financial problems.

  • A new project in business may contribute to business growth.

  • Due to the influence of Mercury, valor, and Siddh Yoga, unemployed individuals may receive job offers.

  • You might face some concerns related to health, so controlling your diet is essential.

  • Allocating time for love and life partners is crucial. Just as you manage your finances, make sure to manage your time as well.

  • Your changed behavior within the family might surprise everyone.

  • Students preparing for banking, IAS, IPS, and defense exams will need to put in extra effort for success.

  • There could be plans for personal and professional travel.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in your sign, which will promote intellectual development.

  • With a positive mindset in the food delivery business during the festival season, you will progress.

  • Your understanding with seniors and bosses in the workspace will be excellent.

  • You might gain recognition on a social level due to some of your posts.

  • Family relations will remain strong.

  • Spend time with your love or life partner, refreshing old memories.

  • Students might travel for a project.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 12th house for Cancer, indicating potential legal disputes.

  • Due to the proliferation of online businesses, you might face challenges in the cloth business because of frequent new designs.

  • You might lag behind at work due to laziness.

  • Avoid getting involved in useless family discussions and focus on your work.

  • On a social level, it's best to keep political-related posts at a distance.

  • There could be disputes in love and married life.

  • Engineering students will find it challenging to grasp certain topics, but perseverance is key.

  • You might travel for health-related reasons.

Leo Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 11th house for Leo, bringing good news from an elder sister.

  • Construction, mining, and building material businesses will overcome manpower problems due to the influence of Mercury, valor, and Siddh Yoga, which will accelerate your work.

  • Be cautious at the workplace while the rest of the day will be in your favor.

  • With upcoming elections, politicians will be active, and you might be invited to address a party event.

  • After a long time, there could be plans for a short trip with your love or life partner.

  • Learn from the elderly in the family, as it will benefit you in the future.

  • Incorporate yoga and meditation into your lifestyle for fitness if you are a sports enthusiast.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 10th house for Virgo, indicating political progress.

  • With the influence of Mercury, valour, and Siddh Yoga during the festival season, the matrimony business will see substantial growth.

  • Blessings from the elderly in the family will help you complete your tasks.

  • Your bond with your love or life partner will improve.

  • BCA and MCA students need to focus more on their studies.

  • Smart and hard work at the workplace will bring excellence in your tasks.

  • On a social level, your efforts will win everyone's hearts.

Libra Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 9th house for Libra, increasing your recognition on a social level.

  • With your efforts and gentle behavior, you will succeed in making money in the market.

  • You'll successfully satisfy your opponents at the workplace.

  • A change in you may astonish everyone in the family.

  • General and competitive students may remain tense about their future.

  • Spend time with your love or life partner, refreshing old memories.

  • Plans for traveling with friends may be in the pipeline.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 8th house for Scorpio, leading to complex matters.

  • New government guidelines in the jewellery business might increase your problems, and during the festival season, you may need to invest in your security system to prevent gold item theft.

  • Stay more vigilant at the workplace; someone might try to copy your project. In love and married life, it's better not to rush into decisions.

  • Be careful about minor lapses at the social level; they could cost you.

  • There might be disputes with someone in the family.

  • CA and CS students may have trouble concentrating on their studies.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 7th house for Sagittarius, which might lead to some tension with your life partner.

  • In the healthcare, surgical, and pharmacy business, you may receive offers to start a new company.

  • Concentrating at the workplace will lead to success in your work.

  • You might gain financial benefits from someone in the family.

  • Planning for travel will bring you success.

  • At a social level, you might be honored by an organization or society for your excellent work.

  • Students, artists, and sportspeople will find success by dedicating themselves to their respective fields. 

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 6th house for Capricorn, which may bring relief from debts.

  • With the influence of Mercury, valour, and Siddh Yoga, businessmen will gain good returns from the market.

  • Unemployed individuals who are actively seeking jobs will achieve success.

  • A positive attitude will lead to an improvement in your financial status.

  • Your expectations with your love or life partner will be fulfilled.

  • You may plan a family dinner.

  • There might be significant business-related travel orders.

  • Artists, sportspeople, and students may feel anxious about their careers.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 5th house for Aquarius, leading to unexpected financial gains.

  • During the festival season, your building material business will see an increase in income from the site, and starting a new site between 8.15 AM to 10.15 AM and 1.15 PM to 2.15 PM will be profitable.

  • Your work at the workplace will put you ahead of others.

  • You may experience some joint pain.

  • On a social level, your political connections will benefit you.

  • Someone's behavior in the family could make you sad.

  • You'll have a fun day with your love or life partner.

  • Competitive students may feel confused about their exam dates.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

  • The Moon will be in the 4th house for Pisces, which may result in a lack of family happiness and comforts.

  • During the festival season, your business might face losses due to hasty planning, so be cautious about your actions.

  • At the workplace, you'll need to make extra efforts to enhance your skills.

  • You'll work on improving your relationship with your love or life partner.

  • Sharing your problems with the family will make you feel better.

  • You might not receive full support from friends on social and political levels, causing you more distress.

  • Students and artists may struggle to complete a significant project.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]