Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (February 25) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 5th house, leading to unexpected financial gains. Considering market conditions, your efforts to align business strategies will succeed. "Nothing is impossible for those who make the effort." Issues in tenders will be resolved. Maintain distance from flattery in the workplace. Employees may receive a surprise. Harmony and love will increase in relationships and with family. Planning a shopping trip with your life partner is possible. The result of competitive exams might bring happiness to you and your family.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 4th house, causing obstacles in family comforts. Caution is needed in new business investments; thorough research is essential. Disputes may arise with business partners. Instead of introducing something new at the workplace, maintain the status quo, as work may feel burdensome. Sunday pressure may hinder proper family time. Avoiding emotional discussions with your love or life partner may prevent negative outcomes. Mental preparation is necessary for the new generation to face career-related challenges. Pay attention to health, focusing on a proper protein-rich diet.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 3rd house, promoting courage and career development. Sudden demand for your products in the market will lead to substantial profits. Business ventures will thrive. Businessmen should avoid shortcuts for quick success. If direct methods at the workplace don't yield results, try alternative approaches. A Sunday visit to buy property with family is planned. Exercise caution while driving to prevent accidents.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 2nd house, bringing success in finance-related matters. Good profits are expected in business due to the combination of Sukarma and Budhaditya Yoga. Cooperation with a new colleague in the office is advised. All your actions will be appreciated socially. Family time on Sunday may involve religious activities. Understanding the emotions of your love or life partner will strengthen your relationship. Students preparing for exams will achieve success through hard work.

Leo Horoscope Today:

The Moon in your sign will enhance wisdom and enthusiasm. Success in a business-related partnership matter is foreseen. Your stuck work will progress towards perfection. Challenges at the workplace will be handled with skill, accelerating your progress. Socially, you need to control your expenses; otherwise, you may have to face consequences. The younger generation needs dedicated effort to turn their plans into reality. Health should be a priority, so maintain distance from junk food. Pressure related to family matters may arise. The day will be filled with romance and excitement for love and married life. Competitors preparing for exams will achieve the best results with hard work.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 12th house, indicating potential harm from new contacts. Business decisions made carelessly may lead to losses. Negligence regarding food habits could impact your health. Plan your financial matters carefully as a delay in assured income is possible. Control your expenses at the workplace. Misunderstandings due to gossip may create complications with colleagues. The new generation needs to focus on career planning to avoid significant losses. Maintain harmony with your life partner and relatives. Students should concentrate solely on their studies to prevent time wastage. Socially, time may not be in your favor, so avoid arguments.

Libra Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 11th house, suggesting efforts to fulfill duties. Time will be favorable for both online and offline businesses, and you may make a decent profit. Planning done in the past may benefit the business. Pending work at the workplace might get completed. Appreciation from higher authorities is possible. Employed individuals should try to maintain a light atmosphere in the office. Surprises may come from life partners and relatives. Sportspeople might receive new opportunities to showcase their talents successfully. Any misunderstandings in love and married life could be resolved. Students may feel depressed about exam results. Health issues like mild fever and headaches may trouble.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 10th house, making you dedicated to work. Success is foreseen in making changes aligned with government policies in business. Businessmen may face financial issues, and they should be cautious. Timely completion of orders will bring in new business opportunities and support from children in business matters. Long-planned tasks at the workplace may finally get completed. Employees may get answers to their questions. Planning a trip with life partners and relatives is possible. Small disagreements might occur in love life. Students may face challenges due to lack of understanding about the examination pattern. Health issues related to fever and headaches may occur.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 9th house, causing challenges in religious activities. Better teamwork is needed in business for future benefits and business growth. Businessmen may face financial problems, and being cautious is advisable. New orders resulting from timely completion of existing ones will boost business. Positive energy will prevail at the workplace. Employees considering career changes should decide promptly. Obtain complete information before engaging in any social or political activities. Planning for a special trip on Sunday is possible. The new generation is likely to see growth in their life areas. Dinner with the love partner is on the cards. Students need to be careful about misunderstanding important topics. Obesity and headaches might be concerns.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 8th house, possibly causing issues in the family. If you are considering a new business, focusing on the existing one is recommended for now. There might be delays in the official work of employed individuals, and maintaining a positive attitude is crucial. Businessmen are advised to handle official documents with care. Efficient utilization of your skills at the workplace will lead to progress. Misunderstandings in the family may arise. Love partners may be disturbed by your actions. Students might find it challenging to face some difficulties. The new generation needs to be humble to attract positive attention in society. Foot pain relief might be felt.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 7th house, bringing benefits in partnership business. Business may see profits due to the combination of Venus and Mercury. Significant changes at the workplace that could be advantageous are possible. Employed individuals may need to work harder with more dedication. Socially or politically, proper information is crucial before taking any action. Spending quality time with family and possibly receiving good news is indicated. The new generation may become role models and bring good news to the family. Love and married life will be better if engaged in household activities. Students need to invest a lot of energy into their studies for success.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 6th house, helping in getting rid of debts. Partnership business may see profits, but it's essential to sign documents after reading them. Planets' support will open several doors for business growth and financial benefits. Cooperation with juniors at the workplace might be advantageous. Employees may learn from seniors. Spending time in leisure with family and relatives is likely. The new generation may divert their minds from friendships to social activities. Enjoying leisure time with love partners is foreseen. Students will need to put a lot of energy into their studies for success. Maintaining a proper diet is essential for health.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]