Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (May 21) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 7th house, bringing profits in business through new products. Success at the workplace through hard work will lead to praise. Employees may not like the workplace rules, which could lead to thoughts of quitting the job. The combination of Vasumati and Sunfa Yoga might bring sudden contracts to government contractors, increasing profits. Utilizing sharp intellect, you will find solutions to business-related problems. Students nearing exams need to adjust their routines by waking up early for yoga and prayers. After completing work on time, you'll get the opportunity to spend time with your family today. You may need to financially support the new generation according to your capacity. Engaging in mental and physical activities will be good for your health, keeping you fit.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 6th house, providing relief from known and unknown enemies. Using technology in the workspace and career field will lead to successful completion of tasks on time. Employees working at public service centers might receive praise from people. Businessmen need to keep important business-related documents ready to avoid legal hassles. Students may face some stressful situations and behavioral issues during studies. There may be possibilities of job transfers or relocations in the family. Love and romance between spouses will strengthen, and spending time together will be enjoyable. The new generation might get a chance to spend time with their partners, even for travel. Avoid applying anything on the skin without consulting a doctor to prevent skin allergies.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 5th house, bringing happiness from children. Unemployed individuals need to activate their networks to find jobs quickly. Due to the combination of Vasumati and Sunfa Yoga, businessmen might get offers for business with foreign companies, expanding their business reach. There are good chances of gains in the automobile business due to planetary alignments. Sportsmen need to be particularly vigilant about rules and regulations to avoid penalties. Your humble nature will strengthen relationships not only with your life partner but also with others. Focus on career for the new generation is crucial as it holds greater importance than mere enjoyment. Increasing consumption of fruits and green vegetables will contribute to a nutritious diet, beneficial for health. Family matters will remain normal, allowing everyone to spend time together.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 4th house, indicating possible health issues for mothers. Avoid jealousy at the workplace; it's not appropriate to harbor such feelings, nor is speaking ill of others. Employed individuals should carefully proceed in their current jobs while applying for other positions. If expected profits are not realized in the industrial business, consider starting a new venture. It's not an ideal day to start new work for businessmen; postponing plans might be better. Competitive students should focus on their studies diligently. Spiritual guidance might help the new generation in managing anger. Yoga and meditation can help alleviate stress and depression, contributing to better mental health.

Leo Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 3rd house, indicating attention to younger siblings. You will be the recipient of praise at the office. Express satisfaction with your work and seniors, along with progress in work. Employed individuals should plan and execute their work, utilizing time effectively. Due to the combination of Vasumati and Sunfa Yoga, electronic goods traders might secure significant deals, leading to desired profits and business expansion. Sports enthusiasts should respect seniors at the academy and avoid disputes. After listening to everyone in the family, express your own opinions; fulfilling everyone's needs is essential, but prioritize your desires too. Spiritual discussions may help the new generation reduce anger. Maintain control over diet for good health; limit the use of electronic gadgets at home.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

The Moon will reside in the 2nd house, indicating benefits from virtuous deeds. Make efforts to complete work on time at the workplace. The more effort you put in, the faster promotions will come; nothing is impossible for those who strive. Technical field-related employees will be noticed for their hard work and honesty. Your past experiences will be beneficial in preparing business strategies and publicity. Spend time with family instead of using laptops and mobiles during free time. Planning a family shopping trip might be a good idea. The new generation needs to take responsibility for their actions, prioritizing only those tasks they can complete. Be cautious about food and avoid stale and fried items as much as possible. Taking your life partner shopping might resolve their anger, and you might succeed in your plans.

Libra Horoscope Today:

The Moon will stay in your sign, enhancing intellectual abilities. Your mind will work swiftly to complete office tasks. An employed person might be assigned a new position and responsibilities, so maintain physical and mental fitness. The formation of beneficial yoga suggests that you might win a legal battle related to business matters, with the decision likely favoring you. If your life partner is your business partner, prioritize their advice and suggestions, as they could prove useful to you. Sportspeople will get the opportunity to stay with seniors, practicing and living with them to receive good guidance. You'll need to balance income and expenses according to your budget; otherwise, it might get disrupted. The new generation may get invitations where they can reunite with old friends. Pregnant women need to stay alert while moving around. Regular check-ups will help detect any emerging health issues early.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 12th house, potentially causing disturbances in new contacts. Tensions may arise due to work not getting done at the workplace, resulting in a tense atmosphere. Employed individuals need to control their anger as it might negatively impact their efficiency. There's a need to stay alert during significant business deals as there's a possibility of financial losses. Businessmen should remain cautious about repeating past mistakes and avoid arguments that could tarnish their image. It will be beneficial for students to follow the guidance of their teachers. "Teachers only show the way; it is up to the students to walk it themselves." It's essential to manage expenses due to the arrival of guests in the family, as it might disturb the budget. While driving, adhere to traffic rules, and be cautious about speed to avoid accidents. There might be some concern about a paternal figure or uncle, possibly related to property matters.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 11th house, possibly improving relations with elder siblings. Encourage coworkers at the office, as it will boost their morale, leading to better performance. Employed individuals might waste time on unnecessary tasks, leading to a chaotic atmosphere by evening. Businessmen might have to undertake some foreign trips related to business, which might be disappointing if they don't yield profits. There's a possibility of financial relief for businessmen through contacts, and work may progress smoothly. Competitive students should seek solace in good books if feeling disturbed. There's a fear of theft at home, so ensure security arrangements and remain vigilant. Partners need to avoid arguments; if something is said in anger, try to understand the hidden emotions behind it. If suffering from a long-term illness, continue taking medication regularly; irregularity could be harmful.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 10th house, signaling changes in the job. Stay vigilant at the workplace to avoid making mistakes as adversaries may not spare you. Employed individuals should refrain from showing off their knowledge, as it might be perceived as arrogance by others. Businessmen need to control their anger and speech, avoiding disputes with customers, as arguments might harm their reputation. Competitive students should prepare notes while studying online to facilitate easy revision later. Consider making changes to the home environment, with the full support of your life partner. The new generation needs to have faith in hard work as it's the only way to unlock closed doors of destiny. Keep yourself away from controversies at the social and political levels. The arrival of young guests in the family could bring good news. Instead of scolding younger family members, use the language of love while communicating with them. Health will remain relatively stable, considering the influence of the planets.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 9th house, promising a good social life. Prepare a list of official tasks at the workspace; it will make completing work easier. There might be increased competition at the workplace, with highly competent colleagues joining in. The formation of beneficial yoga suggests the possibility of receiving money stuck in the market, leading to financial gains and improved business. Partners engaged in business might consider advancing their partnership. Committed young individuals might become emotionally involved with their partners. The new generation should remember their limits while joking around; otherwise, friends might get upset. Maintain good relations with your life partner; it's essential to respect each other publicly. Pay close attention to cleanliness in your surroundings as you might be susceptible to infections.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 8th house, potentially causing travel-related issues. Establish contact with influential people at the workplace and avoid disputes with seniors and gossipmongers to prevent losses. Focus on your work. Employed individuals need to maintain constant communication, whether with co-workers or bosses, to bridge communication gaps. Your business efforts might lead you closer to success to some extent. Be cautious when discussing financial matters with business partners, as they might perceive your tone as aggressive. Students, artists, and sportspeople should read motivational speeches or books to stay positive. Be cautious about physical pleasures due to the influence of the planets; excessive indulgence might lead to concerns. Begin your day with religious activities like prayer and charity to seek divine blessings.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]