Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (April 21) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 6th house, providing relief from debt. Due to the formation of Sarvarthsiddhi and Vyaghata Yoga, there will be an increase in client ratio, touching new heights in online business. In the midst of competition, employed individuals may lose focus at work. Income for handicraft and import-export businessmen will be good. Your multitasking skills in the workspace may lead to a salary increase. Employed individuals will feel content, aiding them in completing tasks with vigour and enthusiasm. You'll easily solve family problems with your smarts. Happy moments in love and married life are expected on Sunday. You'll follow a diet plan for better health. Your good performance in new generation tasks will attract others. Success will greet you in competitive and general exams. Politicians will benefit from new contacts in view of the upcoming elections.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 5th house, bringing happiness to parents through their children. If planning to expand profits into other fields, conduct activities between 10:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. You'll succeed in improving your health through meditation and yoga. Considering the good salary packages, a job change may be considered. Employed individuals should practice working swiftly, while better performance will keep the boss pleased. The health of elders will improve, and a time of progress for siblings is indicated. Love and married life may see the exchange of costly gifts. Competitive students will perform well in online tests. Those contemplating vehicle purchases should focus efforts in that direction. Planning for personal travel may occur on Sunday.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 4th house, indicating a slight lack of family happiness and comforts. A major business deal might slip away due to incomplete paperwork and laziness. Chemical and oil businessmen should pay attention to business-related publicity. Lack of appreciation for your work at the workplace may sadden you. Employed individuals may face delays in completing research-related tasks due to planetary influences. Family disputes over money may arise. Your voice may go unheard in love and married life. Give attention to the art field of the new generation when talking to them. You'll be troubled by the common cold. You may face failure in competitive and general exams, but accepting failure as a challenge will lead to improvement. A political strategy might fail due to reliance on others.

Cancer Horocsope Today:

The moon will reside in the 3rd house, advising you to keep an eye on your younger siblings. Due to the formation of Sarvarthsiddhi and Vyaghata Yoga, new clients will contact you through digital platforms, leading to business growth. Businessmen should avoid excessive ambition and maintain a balanced approach to all tasks. Success in online interviews will come through hard work for employed and unemployed individuals. Sunday might involve planning to visit distant relatives with family. You'll succeed in pleasing your partner in love and married life. Stay alert regarding your health. Encourage the new generation to save money rather than spend it unnecessarily. Students will put their hearts into completing new projects. Happiness will come with the resolution of money problems for social activities.

Leo Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 2nd house, emphasising moral values. Wealth will increase in business due to your efforts. It's essential for businessmen to strengthen their social networks, as business growth will come through market expansion. There's a possibility of a transfer at the workplace. While employed individuals may feel mentally burdened, remember that you're entrusted with greater responsibilities by a higher power. Strong bonding within the family will strengthen relationships. A new venture with your partner in love and married life might begin. You'll feel some relief from health issues. Students, artists, and sports enthusiasts can achieve good results by making lifestyle changes. Good news or invitations might come from the in-laws' side due to planetary movements. Avoid travelling due to health concerns.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in your sign, promoting intellectual development. Due to the formation of Sarvarthsiddhi and Vyaghata Yoga, failed business endeavours will turn around, giving your business a new momentum. You can discuss promotions and salaries with managers and bosses at work. Employed individuals need to maintain a professional attitude at the workplace to build an impressive image. Spending time with family on Sundays will bring peace of mind. Planning for something new in love and married life may occur. There will be some improvement in health concerns. The day will start energetically for the new generation, bringing them freshness and happiness. Students will find success in new projects with guidance from teachers. Plan a trip with friends.

Libra Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 12th house, which urges you to try to reduce expenses. Due to the formation of planetary combinations, laziness among team members and employees may cause losses in business. If businessmen pay attention to trivial matters, it could lead to losses at work. Your negative image may be created on the workspace by opponents. Employees may face a dilemma at the workplace, so try to keep a cool head in every situation. Misunderstandings within the family could strain relationships. If there are disagreements with family members, try to resolve them as soon as possible; otherwise, the problems may escalate. There may be arguments and disputes with your love and life partner. Health issues may arise, so pay attention to your diet. Students preparing for defence exams may feel disappointed due to a lack of physical and mental preparation.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 11th house, encouraging you to fulfil your duties. If you're planning a new business alongside your main business, schedule it between 10:15 AM and 12:15 PM and 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM. The day will be financially rewarding for electronics businessmen, with the possibility of higher profits than expected. You will lead the race for employee awards in the workspace. Be prepared for changes in work methods, as bosses may suddenly introduce them. Family problems will come to an end, and bonding with elders will bring learning opportunities. Plan a trip with your love or life partner. Spending time with family on Sundays will reduce stress for students and increase their concentration. Your work may be respected on a social level.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 10th house, making you a workaholic. Adopting marketing techniques will take your business to new heights. Employed individuals and partners will fully support business growth. There's a possibility of promotion at the workspace. Your management skills as an employee will be appreciated. Spend joyful moments with your family. Sundays will bring romance and excitement to your love and married lives. You'll feel energetic regarding health matters. The day will be emotionally uplifting for the new generation, leading to success in their endeavors. Persistent efforts by students, artists, and sportspeople will yield results. Plan professional travel accordingly.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 9th house, causing obstacles to religious activities. Plan daily investments in your business. Businessmen should carefully utilise marketing techniques, as they can either be a boon or a bane. Unemployed individuals will find success in their job efforts due to planetary alignments. Be vigilant at the workspace to avoid mistakes due to eclipse formation. Suppliers may face stress due to delays in supply. Politicians will boost their party's foundation among the public. Maintain discipline among the new generation to enhance their personalities. Keep a check on your health and consult a doctor for routine check-ups.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 8th house, potentially causing discord within the in-laws' family. Work swiftly to manage tasks at the workspace, but avoid rushing to prevent errors. Employed individuals should be cautious of mistakes at work due to eclipse formations. Businessmen should thoroughly understand deals before signing, as planetary movements may cause losses. The new generation should focus solely on their tasks to avoid administration issues. Working women may be busy, but they should also pay attention to their children's health. Competitive students should start revising for exams to avoid potential problems. Pregnant women should be cautious about their diet and have regular check-ups.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

The moon will reside in the 7th house, indicating rapid progress in business. The timing will be favourable for establishing your grocery business identity. Improve communication skills for better results at the workspace. Resolve family disputes and strengthen relationships. Health improvements are expected, so allocate some time from your busy schedule. Focus on studies instead of engaging in bad activities to avoid potential problems. Maintain a harmonious atmosphere at home and in the in the office to lead a balanced personal life. Politicians may have to travel for political rallies.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]