Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (February 10) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 11th house, bringing profits. With the combination of Mercury and Mars, there are opportunities for smart work in business, reaching new heights. Considering the planetary positions, it's a favorable time for those planning business activities. Success in your endeavors at the workplace depends on your actions, so focus on completing tasks diligently. Family disputes will be resolved, bringing a joyful atmosphere. Pay attention to the health of your loved ones. Socially, your actions and presence will make a distinct impact. Health-wise, be cautious of heart-related issues. Students can expect good career opportunities on the weekend.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

The Moon in the 10th house signifies respect for elders at home. Introducing new technology and equipment in business will strengthen your position. The auspicious time for acquiring new equipment is between 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Office achievements might lead to rewards. Employed individuals will experience satisfaction and contentment due to their good work and behavior. Family issues may arise, requiring patience and efforts to resolve, especially on weekends. Be mindful of your eating habits for better health. A positive day is expected in love and married life. Socially, your tweets may gain attention. Students may find new opportunities.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

The Moon in the 9th house enhances spiritual knowledge. Business matters will see resolution. Businesspersons may achieve success through patience and hard work. There's a possibility of transfers or promotions at the workplace. Employed individuals should pay attention to the quality of their work. Socially, you may meet a knowledgeable person at a public or political event. Some changes may be needed in love and married life. Family time should be prioritized. Health concerns may arise, so be cautious about your well-being. Sports enthusiasts might plan a trip related to their activities.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

The Moon in the 8th house suggests potential travel-related issues. Carelessness in business may lead to losing significant projects to other companies. Be cautious of your behavior at the workplace to avoid warnings from seniors. Employed individuals may receive unexpected surprises at the office. Health issues related to the heart may arise, so maintain a balanced diet. Spending quality time with family is essential. Love and married life may improve with resolved conflicts. Socially, influential support may come your way. Sports enthusiasts should be careful while practicing their activities.

Leo Horoscope Today:

The Moon in the 7th house strengthens the bond between spouses. The combination of Mercury and Mars brings new projects and financial improvement in business. Support from partners and friends, whether at home or outside, is indicated. Hard work will be required in the workplace to achieve success. Health issues related to the heart may arise, so maintain a healthy diet. Family time will be better spent, and conflicts in love and married life may decrease. Socially, influential people may support you. Sports personalities should give their best in practice.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

The Moon in the 6th house indicates relief from debts. The combination of Mercury and Mars brings new projects in business and the possibility of forming new contacts. Hard work will be necessary in the workplace, especially for employed individuals. Family participation in religious activities will increase. Love and married life will be enjoyable. Personal travel plans may be in the making. Meeting new friends from the younger generation is likely. Be cautious about your health, particularly in managing weight.

Libra Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in the 5th house, resulting in unexpected financial gains. Your worries about profits in business will decrease due to a positive turn. Businessmen facing a downfall can revive their businesses in a new way, leading to potential success. There will be several good opportunities for you in the workspace. Maintain control over your temper within the family. "Matches burn themselves before burning something else; similarly, anger first destroys you and then others." Enjoy a fulfilling day in love and married life. Dental and oral troubles may bother you; avoid extremes in temperature and maintain a balance in your diet. Your social actions will be highly praised, and students may have the opportunity to learn something new online.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in the 4th house, causing issues in home renovations. Due to manpower and financial problems, completing orders on time in industrial business might be challenging, affecting business growth. Businessmen can consider making some changes in their business plans. Working on new projects at the workplace may lead to conflicts with colleagues. There might be tension in love and married life over some matters. Family disputes due to poison-related issues will be resolved through your intervention. Politicians should think carefully before speaking, as timing and content matter. Joint pain may trouble couples, and technical students may face challenges related to technical faults.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in the 3rd house, leading to increased courage. Business-related issues will somewhat reduce, and your tension will decrease. "Worrying never solves anything; no one succeeds without hard work." You might be included in new projects at the workplace due to your dedication and commitment to office and work. Employees who recently joined should prioritize office rules and discipline. Your role in resolving significant disputes on a social and political level will be crucial. Enjoy quality time with family. Some challenges in love and married life may arise, but the situation will normalize in the afternoon. Success may come to sports enthusiasts on a big stage. Travel might be on the cards for an essential meeting.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in the 2nd house, resolving ancestral property matters. Sudden market growth will increase profits in business. Due to your hard work, a presentation by higher authorities might bring recognition to your name at the workplace. "Hard work, a little planning, and confidence, with eyes on the goal, are the secrets of success." Your work pace will catch attention on the social level. The family's financial matters will be favorable for you. A day of betterment in love and married life. Pay attention to your diet for good health. Competitive exam takers might have some traveling to do.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in your sign, leading to increased wisdom. Be cautious in partnership-related business ventures, as the possibility of deception looms. Due to the combinations of Mercury, bravery, residence, and sun, your income may increase in the workspace. Physical exertion may cause joint pain. Your actions will enhance your reputation in society. Family support will be available when making important decisions, contributing to your success. Prepare for changes in love and married life. Plan a day of fun with friends at a picnic spot. Hard work in studies will soon yield good news for students.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

The moon will be in the 12th house, leading to increased expenses. Unsettled business losses might increase your worries, affecting your health. Due to opposition from rivals in the workspace, you might not satisfy higher authorities with your work. Health issues related to the skin due to venom might occur. Keep family disputes at bay. Maintain control over your speech; otherwise, it may have adverse consequences. Some damage to your image might occur at the social and political levels, so be cautious. Students may find it challenging to manage time and focus on their studies.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]