PM Modi addressed the nation and announced the Lockdown part 2. The Prime Minister has extended the lockdown till May 3 and has said that till then each citizen will have to adhere to the lockdown. During this period, it is expected that the regulations are followed by everyone just as it has been. He has also that it will be only after April 20th that some important services will be allowed to resume. The PM has said that we must ensure that corona does not spread to new areas. If new cases emerge in any place, then it should be a cause for concern for all of us. That is why we need to be more vigilant about hotspots and it must be constantly observed for any changes. He said that the emergence of any new hotspots will be a challenge to our hard work and perseverance. The Prime Minister also warned that in the coming week be tougher action will be taken against the coronavirus. Till April 20, every district, town, city, and state will be closely monitored to see how lockdown is being followed and what measures are undertaken to control the virus. Those places which are able to perform and pass the litmus test and are successful in preventing changes and development of new hotspots may get a conditional reprieve by 20th April and important activities will be allowed.
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