A traffic policeman in Srinagar is winning accolades from social media users for managing the movement of vehicles amid rain and waterlogged roads. In the viral video shared on the microblogging site Twitter, the policeman can be seen managing traffic barefoot amid torrential rains at the Gupkar Road intersection. One can also see waterloggin at the intersection amid light to moderate intensity rain.

"Amidst challenging conditions of waterlogged roads and heavy downpour in Srinagar, a traffic cop goes above and beyond, performing his duty barefoot," reads the caption shared on Twitter by @Kashmir_Weather.

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah also shared the video, but took a dig at the administration on the 'poor' drainage system of Srinagar city.

"This chowk was just ‘beautified’ under the "Smart City" programme a month ago to impress the participants of the G20 tamasha. It’s a pity the basic drainage wasn’t improved when that metallic thing was put in the middle of the road," Abdullah said in a tweet. 

The short video clip after being shared on the microblogging site has so far gained over 60,000 views, 125 likes and several comments.

On seeing the video, one of the user wrote, 'Appreciable, he should be rewarded'.

"Traffic cops should be provided with Gum Boots for such conditions...," wrote another user.

While another took on the government and wrote, "Above and beyond duty? Just callous administration. When we can send rockets to moon, can we not provide wellies (water proof  boots) to government/civic employees who need it?".