Hyderabad: Doctors at the SLG Hospitals saved the life of a 16-year-old girl who consumed sanitiser to end her life. Doctors treating the patient noticed that the liquid consumed contained “methanol”, which is not listed as an approved ingredient to manufacture a hand sanitiser. 

According to a press release given by the SLG hospital, this 16-year-old girl was treated at a local hospital in Maharashtra for two days but slipped into a coma and was rushed to Hyderabad. The victim's body had a severe acid build-up, and after washing the fluids out, there was no instant recovery. Hemodialysis had to be carried out twice to remove the acid load before the girl started recovering.

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However, after five days of discharge, the girl was brought back to the hospital as her speech was slurry, and she could not even walk. Further diagnosis revealed swelling in the brain affecting her entire nervous system.

Commenting on the risks associated with sanitisers, Dr Abhinay Huchche, Consultant Neurologist, SLG Hospitals said: “Some people have the habit of applying hand sanitisers in excessive proportions; and as they visit multiple places, they apply multiple variants of sanitisers. It is important people only apply sanitisers that are approved by regulatory authorities because indiscriminate use could have hazardous implications. Like in this case, methanol is a dangerous substance! While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that they have not approved any of the Hand-Sanitisers in the market.”

According to experts, people using hand sanitisers must stay cautious of the side effects of these liquids and avoid excessive use. Washing hands by applying soap and clean flowing water is the safest way to sanitise.