Hyderabad police have arrested Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader G Srinivas Yadav from Goshamahal constituency for allegedly using abusive language against the Vice Chancellor of Telangana Women's University. Srinivas Yadav was arrested on a complaint lodged by Professor M Vijjulatha, in-charge Vice Chancellor of the Telangana Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam (Women's University), IANS reported.

A case was registered against Yadav at the Sultan Bazar police station.

According to the complaint, Yadav approached the Vice Chancellor on July 1 posing as a social worker and claimed that he provided free education and scholarships to girl students. He requested the VC to felicitate him but she suggested that he instead provide financial assistance for the development of Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam.

Angered by this response, Yadav used abusive language against the Vice Chancellor, IANS reported.

The Vice Chancellor then lodged a complaint with the Sultan Bazar police station, following which the police arrested Yadav and produced him before the court.

Osmania University College for Women, also known as Koti Women’s College, was recently upgraded to Telangana Women’s University, and Vijjulatha was appointed as its first Vice Chancellor.

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In a separate incident, another BRS leader, Mohammed Aqeel Ahmed, was arrested by Begum Bazaar police for allegedly harassing a minor girl.

According to reports, the victim, a 10-year-old girl, had visited a medical shop in Feelkhana. Aqeel Ahmed allegedly grabbed the girl's hand and behaved inappropriately with her. Scared, the girl managed to free herself from his grasp and immediately informed her parents about the incident.

The parents subsequently lodged a complaint at the Begum Bazaar police station. Aqeel Ahmed has been charged under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for outraging the modesty of a woman. He was also booked under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) of 2012.