Road accidents has become a very usual thing nowadays and it seems like the number of vehicles on roads have also increased in the past few years. In such scenarios of high traffic or busy roads, the responsibility of keeping yourself safe falls solely upon you. It might not be wise to trust other drivers/riders or even pedesterians for that matter that they will follow all the traffic rules diligently. Hence, one must have some margin for error. However, suppose that luck isn't with you then you might crash into a vehicle or someone, in those cases, having a dash cam can save your life.

A dashcam, also called a "dash camera," is a small video camera that is attached to the dashboard or windscreen of a car and records what's going on inside as well as outside. With a double lens, dashcams can record both the inside and outside view of the car. In the event of an accident, they can be used as an independent witness for the driver. They can also help the driver save money on insurance.

We strongly recommend drivers install a dash cam in their cars, as it can turn out to be quite a livesaver later. If you are wondering why you need a dash cam or what purpose it will even serve, then we are here with a list of six reasons to address the issue. Let us go over them one by one.

Top 6 Reasons You Need Dash Cam For Safer Driving

  • Proof Of Your Innoncence In Case Of An Accident: This is one of the biggest reasons why many drivers decide to invest their money in dash cams. This small tool will turn out to be the proof of your innocence in case of accident. The best part is that the video captured by the dash cam will be acceptable by police as well as insurance firms.

  • Makes You The 'Big Brother': Ever heard the phrase "Big brother is watching you?" It is a phrase from one of George Orwell's novels. In simpler words it means that you will be watching everything. So, if you witness any undisciplined driver/rider then with the help of the dash cam footage, you can easily report them to the police.

  • All Things Recorded Even When You're Not Physically Present: Parking can be a nightmare, especially in metro cities. Numerous instances have been noticed where your car is hit by another vehicle while that person is trying to take their vehicle out & may flee the scene. You might not even by physically present in your car when it will get crashed. In such scenarios, dashcam can record parking accidents and then later you can produced it to the police.

  • Insurance Fraud Prevention: This is something that a numerous of insurance companies try to quote in order to dodge paying any money to the consumer. This is a serious issue which impacts both the insurance companies as well as the consumers/drivers. Hence, having a footage will help you avoid this roadblock easily.

  • Handy Camera: It does not just protect you but can also act as a source of entertainment. Imagine driving through beautiful mountains where you see a mesmerising view, dash cam would be the perfect way to capture these moments.

  • Nothing Misses Your Eyes: If you look at the online videos of car accidents and unexpected phenomena, you will see that most of them have been accidentally caught on camera and very few of them have actually been recorded on purpose. Hence, installing a dash cam in your car can be quite useful in the long run.