New Delhi: Apple is set to host its first event of the year, the "Peek Performance" event that is slated to be held on March 8. Apple will host the event virtually where it is expected to announce a slew of products and launch them in the coming months. One of the much-anticipated products to be showcased at the Peek Performance event is likely the Apple iPhone SE 3. Apple may also announce other products, including a new iPad Air, a new Mac mini and the new M2 chip.

Greg Joswiak, SVP Marketing at Apple tweeted the event invite with a cryptic teaser. "Peek performance. March 8th. See you there. #AppleEvent," Joswiak tweeted late on Wednesday. The cryptic teaser shows the Apple logo in various colours which indicates that Apple may unveil one of its products in several colour options and it could be the Apple iPad Air 5 since the company has not launched a new iteration in the iPad Air line since 2020.

The Apple Peek Performance event will be hosted virtually and can be watched online on Apple’s Event website and the company's YouTube page at 10am PST or 10:30pm IST on March 8 which is Tuesday.

Earlier last week, a leak suggested that a new affordable Apple iPhone SE is likely to be available at a starting price of  $300 or roughly Rs 22,500. According to the tip by analyst John Donovan, the upcoming iPhone SE 3 may cost $300 that makes it much cheaper than the base variant of the Apple iPhone 12 in the US. The iPhone SE 3 will be a 5G device.

Other expected products at the Apple event include a new Mac mini with faster M1 Pro and M1 Max processor, and the new M2 chipset that will debut with the 13-inch Apple MacBook Pro.