Vinod Khosla, the billionaire co-founder of Sun Microsystems, has voiced his opinion on Elon Musk's legal dispute with OpenAI, describing it as "sour grapes." Khosla suggested that Musk's lawsuit stems from his late entry and lack of commitment to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape. Notably, Musk was once a significant donor to OpenAI during its non-profit phase, whereas Khosla became the first venture capitalist to invest in the company when it transitioned into a private enterprise in 2019.

Khosla took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to express his views, stating:

Elon Musk quickly responded by dismissing Khosla's comments, simply stating:

Why Did Musk Sue OpenAI?

According to reports from various media outlets, Musk's lawsuit accuses OpenAI of prioritising profit over its original mission of serving the public good. Filed in San Francisco late last Thursday, the lawsuit underscores Musk's discontent with Microsoft's significant financial backing of OpenAI. Musk has previously expressed concerns about Microsoft's growing influence over the organisation, suggesting that it has transformed into a "closed-source de facto subsidiary" of the tech giant.

The lawsuit contends that OpenAI, once envisioned as an open-source, non-profit entity, has now shifted its focus towards profitability. Musk seeks court intervention to ensure OpenAI shares its research and technology with the public, and to prevent the organisation from leveraging its assets, including its cutting-edge AI model GPT-4, for Microsoft's or any individual's financial gain.

ALSO READ: Elon Musk Trolls Sam Altman After OpenAI's Launch Of Text-To-Video Model Sora

The legal battle between Musk and OpenAI raises questions about the future of AI development and the balance between commercial interests and the public good in the tech industry.