By Aditya Kamat

The 21st century has emerged as a digitally driven era, leading to a transformation of every industry and education is no longer an exception. As per recent stats, the EdTech market is expected to grow annually by 16.5%, expanding 2.5 times from 2019 to 2025. Significantly, the industry’s growth is inevitable and a substantial part of it is being driven by corporate organisations and the need for upskilling. 

Simultaneously, the accelerated adoption of technology has brought forth an advancement in communication, reshaping the way we live, work and learn. The transition to digitised models in education has further led to the emergence and integration of EdTech tools, setting unprecedented benchmarks in the upskilling of professionals. 

In tandem, technology tools play a pivotal role in enabling learning with inclusivity. Further, it also nurtures an ecosystem that offers dynamic tools to redraw the skill development landscape by providing access to information, interactive platforms and personalised learning experiences. As the world continues to evolve at a faster pace, present-day professionals need to be equipped not just with multiple skill sets but also with the relevant ones that can help their careers grow multifold. 

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Adaptive Learning Experiences

Tailored experiences in delivering personalised learning adjust to learners’ needs. These experiences have become the cornerstone of education, seamlessly integrating new-age technologies such as AI ML, Cloud technologies, IoT, AR, VR and more to analyse the learners’ pace, performance and interactions with learning content. As a result, it revolutionises the traditional learning approach by offering content that fits an individual’s needs, building a dynamic learning ecosystem. 

In tandem, EdTech platforms offering experiential learning experiences fulfil the extended demand for personalised content, connecting with MAANG (Meta, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) experts through live classes in small batches, ensuring a low student-to-teacher ratio. Furthermore, this leads to heightened student engagement and enhanced learning experience, encouraging the active participation of learning professionals. 

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Real-World Applications

Post the exacerbating impact of the pandemic, organisations actively hunt for tech talent with the ability to adapt and evolve. The dynamic environment calls for a theoretical knowledge base, further strengthened with a more practical approach. On the contrary, traditional learning models are being challenged in modern business practices. That’s when experiential learning platforms pose a stark departure from just instilling theoretical concepts to emphasising more experiences, providing a profound understanding of the challenges and intricacies involved in the industry. 

Embedding the approach of real-world applications in upskilling, professionals learn to navigate the complexities of the business world. This further instills resilience and builds a more competitive workforce, equipped with the ability to thrive in dynamic environments. 

Innovative Learning Platforms Worth Checking Out

Backed by new-age tech tools, innovative learning platforms have emerged as revolutionary tools in the educational landscape. This provides unprecedented access to diverse resources and learning materials for developing a continuous learning cycle, especially for tech talent. For instance, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms like Coursera, Unacademy, and many others offer a plethora of learning opportunities for tech professionals in upskilling and helping them acquire a knowledge base that can accelerate their career growth. 

With heightened tech-emergence, platforms such as YouTube, Bootcamps and online Masterclasses hosting a myriad of tutorials and Live sessions provide hands-on experience to professionals in their specified fields. Subsequently, this leads to the overall skill development of the workforce in a condensed time frame. On the other hand, Masterclasses conducted by industry experts further offer deeper insights to the learning professionals with real-world applications to bridge the knowledge gap. 

In the present digital age, fostering a learning culture can be significant as well as diverse for tech talent and their employers. Given the scenario, integrating new-age EdTech tools can provide ease in accessibility and inclusivity, even for remotely placed or underserved talent. Potentially, the implementation of EdTech tools in learning can build transformative educational experiences for professionals on a global scale. 

(The author is the Co-Founder of HeyCoach​)

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