By Shilpa Jain

After closely collaborating with various stakeholders and professionals in the gig working space we’ve observed that staying relevant in the ever-dynamic marketplace is the kind of competitive edge that techpreneurs need today. Having said that, reskilling and upskilling are the strategies that professionals use to continue to stay relevant.

The emergence of digital solutions and their rapid utilisation changed the way businesses function. It has not only boosted productivity across all the verticals but has also enabled organisations to reduce costs, save time, improve quality, and deliver a seamless experience to their customers. As a result, organisations are constantly adopting cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead of the curve. Consecutively, to maintain an edge in the market, they also require a highly skilled workforce that is able to adapt to the changing environment. However, with the shortage of talent, gig employment has gained ground among employers to overcome attrition owing to perks such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and access to specialised talent. Layoffs have also surged due to organisations' strategic shift towards cost optimisation, prioritising automation over manpower. The digital revolution has disrupted traditional roles, compelling IT firms to reevaluate the market relevance of their talent pool. Automation now steers the wheel, steering cost efficiency and channelling human resources towards creative, non-routine tasks.

Talent with in-demand skills such as ML (machine learning), UX/UI, web development, and others have more leverage today. Therefore, what tech freelancers need is constant upskilling in a bid to stay ahead in the digital race. Let us delve deep into some strategies freelancers can deploy.

Assessing Current skills

As technologies are changing at a rapid pace, the skills one possesses today might not be relevant in the near future. Hence, tech freelancers must assess their current digital skills and identify the key areas for improvement. This is a vital strategy, as one must know which skill has a high potential for becoming in demand in the industry based on its usage and popularity. To begin with, individuals can list down the skills they require regularly and then determine their proficiency level for the same. This can lead one to identify the key areas for improvement and provide a research point to start upskilling themselves. This identification can further allow one to formulate personal learning plans, which are necessary to set measurable goals and stay on the right track of upskilling. To ensure that techies are well aware of their skills and how they should improve them, our platform assesses their skills while also periodically informing them about emerging trends.

Considering Online Courses

After assessing the skill, the next strategy can be finding a relevant course that resonates with the learning objectives of the tech freelancers. With the proliferation of online platforms, individuals today have a myriad of fields and options to choose from. An online course can be beneficial for tech freelancers for upskilling as it provides an efficient way to learn in a personalised fashion. Moreover, tech freelancers can upskill in a niche domain in their respective fields. By becoming experts in a specific skill, individuals can stay at the top of the candidate’s list. After successful completion of the course, one can update their resume or portfolio to gain an edge in the freelance market. It will not only allow one to stay abreast of ongoing technology trends but also enhance their value in the market, unlocking their career potential.

Networking With Peers

The definition of networking has changed in recent years and has expanded beyond just making contacts. Exchanging information with other tech freelancers can actually help one gain industry insights, opportunities to elevate their current skills, or new skills to make their skillset versatile. Tech freelancers can network with professional organisations, which include individuals who share common interests, an industry, or a field. They can often provide freelancers with opportunities for learning, mentoring, and connecting with other peers and experts. The best way is to become a part of a community and make it a two-way channel by contributing your own knowledge, which can help you enhance your reputation and open avenues for other projects, skills, and connections. At BeGig, our platform fosters a strong sense of community, allowing entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals, form partnerships, and collaborate on innovative projects. Our supportive network ensures that techpreneurs are not alone on their entrepreneurial journey.

Stay Ahead, Stay Hired

The tech industry in India is transforming at a rapid pace, making upskilling a crucial element for tech freelancers. According to a report released by the World Economic Forum, upskilling has the potential to boost India’s GDP by $570 billion and create 5.3 million (net) new jobs by 2030. Therefore, organisations are also considering those individuals who possess the relevant skillset, are abreast of industry trends, and have the appropriate educational experience. Therefore, the need of the hour for freelancers is to assess their current skills, set realistic upskilling goals, consider an online certification, and network with their peers.

As it is challenging to predict which skills will be relevant in the near future, one must constantly stay updated with the tech trends and upgrade themselves constantly in a bid to stay appealing to organisations. With the right skill set, tech freelancers can get a myriad of opportunities on hi-tech freelancing marketplaces. Gig working platforms such as ours allow you to find dynamic IT projects with global firms that are in need of experts in specific domains. Therefore, in a bid to pounce on these lucrative opportunities, tech freelancers must consider these upskilling strategies.

(The author is the CEO and founder of BeGig)

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