Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that skilling, re-skilling and upskilling are the mantras for the future workforce. He was virtually addressing the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting. The PM said that Skill India Mission is a campaign to connect with the reality of empowering the youth with different skills. Expressing pleasure on the meeting taking place in India, he said that the country has had the experience of creating a large number of technology jobs during the last such technology-led transformation.
"We all need to skill our workforce in the use of advanced technologies and processes. Skilling, re-skilling and upskilling are the mantras for the future workforce. In India, our Skill India Mission is a campaign to connect with this reality," the Prime Minister said.
He further said, "India has the potential to become one of the largest providers of skilled workforce in the world."
Emphasising the role of G20 in upskilling the workforce, the PM said, "Globally, mobile workforce is going to be a reality in the future. Therefore, it is now time to globalise the development and sharing of skills in the true sense. The G20 must play a leading role in this. I commend your efforts to initiate the international referencing of occupations by skills and qualifications requirements..."
"...The amazing work done by frontline health & other workers in India during COVID showed their skills and dedication. It also reflected our culture of service & compassion. Indeed, India has the potential to become one of the largest providers of skilled workforce for the world," he added.
PM Modi said that India has the potential to become one of the largest providers of skilled workforce in the world, adding "Sharing of statistics, information and data regarding employers and workers could be a great way to begin as this will empower countries across the globe to formulate evidence-based policies."
"We must consider each country's unique economic capabilities, strengths and challenges. Adopting a one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for sustainable financing of social protection," the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister said that the group must consider each country's unique economic capabilities, strengths and challenges. "Adopting a one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for sustainable financing of social protection," he said.
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