According to Yusuf Mehdi, the Corporate Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Microsoft, the new Bing preview, which has integrated the ChatGPT AI, has helped India emerge as one of the top three markets for the search engine. Mehdi told PTI that Bing's visual capabilities, including the new knowledge cards, have helped improve search results and allow richer views of the searches.

Mehdi further stated that India is the top market for image creators, a unique feature that is not available in Google's search engine. Bing is unique in its ability to offer chat and search in one integrated product, which has been well-received by users. The Bing preview has been positively received by users in India, who have used many of the new features that Microsoft has recently launched.

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Mehdi pointed out that Bing is capable of answering complicated questions that Google cannot answer because of its integration of the ChatGPT AI. This has helped Bing respond to complex queries and offer richer search results than Google. According to Mehdi, the new Bing preview's unique features, including knowledge cards and stories, are something that Google does not offer. Bing's offering of search and chat in one integrated product is something that is distinct from Google's approach, which has a separate chat product called Bard that is different from Google search.

Mehdi stated that Bing's new features would have an impact on the news industry by providing links to drive more content and traffic to people. This will allow Bing to provide more clear answers to queries, but not necessarily the article or great reporting. Mehdi believes that this will lead to more traffic going to news agencies and publishers due to Bing's efforts to provide better answers.

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India has become one of the top three markets for Microsoft's new Bing preview, which incorporates the ChatGPT AI, and is its biggest image creator market. The Bing preview has received positive feedback from users in India, who have used many of the new features launched by Microsoft. Bing's unique features, including knowledge cards and stories, are something that Google does not offer, as per Mehdi.