Fake Cake, Upside Down Room, More: Here Are 5 Fun April Fool's Prank, As Suggested By ChatGPT
From bottle switcheroos to fake news, there are many pranks that you can pull off.

April 1 is celebrated the world over as April Fool's Day, when everyone pulls harmless pranks on their loved ones. The only catch? You must shout 'April Fools!' as your prank gets executed perfectly. While the origin of April Fool's Day differs from country to country, the tradition of pulling hoaxes on friends has a borderless appeal, and understandably so.
This year, we decided to ask ChatGPT to suggest some harmless pranks that can be pulled on April Fool's Day. Here's what the chatbot had to say:
Sure, here are five harmless April Fool's Day pranks that are suitable for both young and adults:
"Fake Cake": Bake a cake made out of cardboard or Styrofoam covered with frosting, and then cut it in front of your friends or family. They'll be surprised when they realize it's not real!
"Frozen Cereal": Pour cereal and milk into a bowl and then place it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, give it to your family or roommates for breakfast and watch as they struggle to eat the frozen food.
"Switcheroo": Swap the contents of two similar-looking bottles, such as swapping the sugar with salt or the vinegar with water. Watch as your victim tries to use the wrong ingredient!
"Upside Down Room": Turn everything in a room upside down, such as flipping furniture upside down or hanging posters and pictures upside down. Wait for your family or friends to come into the room and watch their reactions.
"Fake News Story": Create a fake news story or article on a website or social media platform and share it with your friends or family. Be sure to make it outrageous and unbelievable, but also plausible enough to be believable at first glance. Watch their reactions when they realize it's not real!
Disclaimer: The article majorly includes the responses given by ChatGPT (AI-driven chatbot developed by OpenAI) to various questions/questionnaire and ABP Network Private Limited (‘ABP’) is in no manner liable/responsible for any of such responses. Accordingly, reader discretion is advised.
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