New Delhi: Ever since OpenAI's Chatbot ChatGPT was introduced last year in November, Artificial Intelligence has left everyone mesmerised due to its amazing performance and human-like response to queries posed to it. AI has become a centre of attraction worldwide after it cleared highly competitive medical and law exams and even delivered speeches. Things turned even more interesting when, on Saturday, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates answered some interesting questions from the Chatbot.

Both Rishi Sunak and Bill Gates were at Imperial College London to interact with the team behind Cleantech for the UK. It is a group of people who are working in the field of green technology start-ups.

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After discussing a range of issues including innovation, Artificial Intelligence and developments in the field of technology, they participated in an interview conducted by a Chatbot. Their conversation with the AI was shared on 10 Downing Street's official YouTube channel.

Here is what they answered:

The first question was "How do you think technology will impact the global economy and job market in the next 10 years?"

Bill Gates answered, "Well, we clearly need to be more efficient as there is a labour shortage in healtchare and education. Low-income countries never have enough doctors."

He further added, "Hopefully, technology like the one that generated this question can help us be more efficient."

The next question posed to them was, "What's the most important piece of advice you've ever received and how has it influenced your career and approach to life?" 

PM Sunak took the next turn to answer the question, "It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice."

He said that is a nice way to think about life and that "it does not mean that you cannot be tough or can't take tough decisions. It just means treating people with decency, kindness and empathy."

Bill Gates mentioned his good friend Warren Buffet and his advice to him. Gates answered, "In the end, it is how your friends think of you, and how strong those friendships are."

The third question was, "If you could go back in time and speak with your younger self at the beginning of your career, what advice would you give yourself and how would you approach your work differently?"

While answering this, Gates said, "I did not believe in weekends I did not even go on vacations."

He further added that he was very intense on himself and tried to apply that to other people also. However, he said, "You got to think about people who have families and so on.."

Toward the end of the interview, the chatbot asked them, "What's the one thing about your job you wish AI could do for you?"

Gates replied, "Sometimes when I am writing notes, I wanna make them (notes) more clever."

Meanwhile, Sunak said, "I think if AI could do Prime Minister's question time for me.. That would be great."