Chennai: A controversy erupted at the RBI office after the staff remained seated during Tamil Thai Vazthu (State Anthem) recital on Wednesday. The incident received criticism even from political party leaders including DMK MP Kanimozhi and TN Finance Minister PTR Palanivel Thiyaga Rajan.
After the video of the incident went viral, a lawyer of Madras HC Rajesh gave a complaint online against the RBI staff to Flower Bazaar police on Thursday, as per a report on ABP Nadu.
The incident came to light after onlookers noticed the issue and they told the staff to pay respect by standing up. However, the staff reportedly said there is no court order to prove that they should stand up during the anthem. Following this, the onlookers asked to show that there is no order for which the staff asked why should he show and moved away from the place.
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The onlooker immediately mentioned Tamil Nadu government order that made Tamil Thai Vazhthu as the state anthem and instructed the people to stand up for the anthem.
However, the staff members turned away and left the place.
After the incident, DMK MP Kanimozhi said, "How can someone who cannot even read and abide by a government order can become an officer? or are they even more bigger than Tamil Nadu government?"
TN Finance Minister Palanivel Thiyaga Rajan said, “This video is distressing, coming 2 days after the SLBC mtg where we outlined guidelines for banks who wish to bank the TN Govt. We will look into, & eliminate all confusion.”