Chennai: Tamil Nadu government have decided to extend lockdown for another week with further lockdown curbs in district which have been on a declining trend of the Covid-19 caseload as Saturday 8,183 Covid cases were recorded.

The state is divided into three regions. Most-affected 11 districts in west and central region will have the restrictions continued while 23 other districts will have relaxations. The businesses and markets can be opened for extnded hours in those districts.

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Here is the Full list of what is permitted 

  • Public transport to resume.

  • Metro Rail services to resume with 50 per cent occupancy

  • Telivision and film shootings can be started with limit of 100 persons in the sets.

  • In four districts — Chennai, Thiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpet — sports competitions can be held without spectators to watch in live.

  • 100 per cent state government employees are allowed to work in the offices while private offices can function with 50 per cent of their working staff.

  • From 6 Am to 9 PM food outlets are allowed to be opened but only for the parcel services.

  • E-pass is not a criteria anymore to travel in and around Chennai region.

  • Industries already permitted can work with 100 per cent staff while rest of them can start of with 33 per cent working staff.

  • In 23 districts of the state, provisional stores, vegetable shops, fruit shops and meat shops are allowed to be opened from 6 AM to 7 PM.