Hyderabad: After lifting of complete lockdown in Telangana from Sunday morning 6 AM, the state cabinet has directed to lift curbs in all the departments imposed by the government during lockdown. Amid presumed third wave, the cabinet has exhorted the education departments to reopen all the educational instituions from July 1 with full prepardness and they have urged the school authorities to allow the students to attend the classes physically.

The decision of reopening of schools came a day after the Centre said that schools should be started only when the majority of teachers are vaccinated against Covid-19. NITI Aayog, Health-Member, VK Paul said that the all aspects should be taken into consideration before taking decision of reopening of schools. "Reopening schools remain a larger discourse but the seropositivity rate that showed the virus' prevelance in kids is same as adults is a significant aspect to consider," said VK Paul.

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Adding further, he said: "As the vaccination coverage improves, people should get habituated for social distancing and other new norms to keep the virus at bay and majority of teachers should be vaccinated, then comes the situation of reopening of schools." 

Considering NITI Aayog' VK Paul's comments, the state Cabinet has sought people's support for it's decision of lifting lockdown stating that the decision was taken to protect livelihoods and resume public life. The Cabinet, however, requested the people not to be complacent or negligent and follow guidelines issued by Govt. 

On Saturday, Telangana has recorded 1,362 Covid cases while in India 58,419 new cases reported in the last 24 hours with Recovery rate increases to 96.27%, which is the least in the last 81 days.