As Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Chennai as part of his two-day visit to southern states including Telangana and Karnataka, Chennai City police have announced traffic diversions and warned vehicle users of slow traffic flow in the city.
According to The Hindu, the Greater Chennai City Traffic Police (GCTP) said, traffic flow will be slower from INS Adyar to Central Railway Station and between Central Railway Station to Vivekanandar Illam. The hiccup is likely to occur from 3 pm to 6 pm, they said.
As PM is scheduled to visit Vivekanandar Illam, the vehicles from Light House will be diverted to Dr Radhakrishnan Salai at Gandhi Statue. The vehicles from War Memorial to Wallajah Road will be diverted at Labour Road. The diversions will be effect from 4 pm to 6 pm.
The vehicles from Poonamallee High Road will be diverted at Anna Arch towards Anna Nagar and New Avadi Road to reach their destinations.
Security has been beefed up across the city in view of the visit while motorists have been asked to plan ahead of their journey to reach their destination as elaborate traffic diversions have been made, police said.
On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate several infrastructure projects, including the state-of-the-art integrated terminal building at the Chennai airport. Following his arrival, Modi will open the new terminal, the first phase of which has been completed. It is expected to enhance the passenger traffic to 35 million per year.
"This will be an important addition to Chennai's infrastructure. It will boost connectivity and also benefit the local economy," Modi had said in a tweet.
According to Chennai airport officials, the new integrated terminal is spread across 2.20 lakh sq metres and would cater to the growing air traffic in Tamil Nadu.