Chennai: In an unexpected decision, the Madras High Court directed Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC) to close all the bars attached to retail outlets across Tamil Nadu within six months. The Court gave the judgment while dismissing a batch of writ petitions filed by "bar" licensees for 2019-2021.
According to a report on The Hindu, the case came up for hearing before the bench of Justice C Saravanan and the judge said that alcohol purchasers should consume liquor only at their homes or in any other private places.
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The Court said, TASMAC is not permitted to encourage people to consume alcohol in places near liquor shops by granting licenses to private individuals as per Tamil Nadu Prohibition Act of 1937. So TASMAC does not have legal rights over the bar because they were leased by private licensees.
Meanwhile, the petitioners approached the court with the complaint that they are unable to do business since the liquor shops were closed for 15 months during lockdown. Hence, they urged to extend the license period.
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However, the judge rejecting the plea also directed TASMAC to recall all tenders issued for licenses to collect empty bottles and sell snacks in the bars.
The judge quoted Thirukkural and Mahatma Gandhi in the order who spoke against liquor and intoxicating drinks. The bench said, there is a mixed history since in the ancient times' consumption of liquor was an accepted norm but over time there has been taboo associated with it.