Actor Siddharth took to Instagram to clarify his recent comments on social responsibility which were reportedly taken out of context. At the 'Bharateeyudu 2' (Indian 2) press conference in Hyderabad, he was questioned about Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy's drug awareness campaign. Now, Siddharth has voiced his strong support for the initiative.

Posting on Instagram via his handle 'World of Siddharth,' he clarified, "Kind Attention...Chief Minister of Telangana Mr. Revanth Reddy. Together in the fight against the Drug Menace in Telangana."



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During the event in Hyderabad, a reporter questioned whether actors are socially responsible referencing the Telangana CM's call for actors to create awareness videos in exchange for assistance with their film projects. Although the question was directed at all the actors present, Siddharth responded on behalf of his colleagues Kamal Haasan and Rakul Preet Singh, indicating they did not need to answer.

According to India Today, Siddharth remarked, “My name is Siddharth; Telugu people have seen me work for 20 years. I cooperated with the government between 2005 and 2011, held a condom in my hand, and promoted safe sex on billboards in a united Andhra Pradesh." 

Similarly, Siddarath mentioned that every actor has a social responsibility and acts according to their conscience. He stated that they would fulfill any request made by a Chief Minister. No Chief Minister has ever told them and only if they do we could do something else, he said, as per the report. 

Earlier, Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy criticised the Telugu film industry for failing to fulfill its social responsibility in raising awareness about the dangers of drugs and cybercrime. He directed officials to set a new pre-condition for filmmakers seeking government permission to hike ticket prices for big-budget films, they must produce a short video promoting awareness on these issues.