Actor Namitha, who is also a BJP state executive member, expressed her disappointment after being asked to provide proof of her Hindu faith during a visit to the Sri Meenakshi Sundareshwar Temple in Madurai on Monday. The actress alleged that a temple official rudely questioned her religious identity and demanded documentation to verify her Hindu faith and caste.

Namitha, known for her roles in Tamil cinema, described the incident as an unprecedented ordeal. "They asked for a certificate to prove that I am a Hindu and also my caste certificate. I have never faced such treatment at any temple across the country," she told reporters, as quoted by PTI. She emphasised that it is well-known she was born a Hindu, had her marriage solemnized in Tirupati, and named her twins after Lord Krishna. Despite this, she claimed the officials spoke to her in a disrespectful manner.

What Happened Next? 

The incident reportedly took place when Namitha and her husband, both wearing masks, were stopped by a temple official who questioned their faith. Namitha said that after a 20-minute wait, during which she was made to stand aside, she was allowed to enter the temple only after clarifying her religious identity and having kumkum applied to her forehead.

A senior temple official, however, denied any misconduct, stating that the couple was merely asked to confirm their religious identity as part of standard procedure. "After the clarification, she was welcomed inside the temple for darshan," the official said.

Namitha later addressed the incident in a video message directed at Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Minister P K Sekar Babu, urging him to take action against the temple official for their "rude" behavior. She explained that her visit to Madurai was purely spiritual, aimed at celebrating Krishna Janmashtami at ISKCON, and she had informed the police of her visit in advance to avoid any disruptions.

The actress expressed that while she understood the need for security and tradition, there is a proper way to approach such matters.