Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has announced a compensation of Ra 5 lakh for the families of those killed in the fire at a residential building in Mumbai's Goregaon. Seven people were killed while over 40 were left injured after a fire broke out at the premises early Friday. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, CM Shinde said the state government has announced an aid of Rs 5 lakh to the families of those who died in this accident, and the injured citizens will be given medical treatment at government expense.
PM Narendra Modi has also announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh for kin of those killed and Rs 50,00 for those injured. In a social media post, the PMO said, "Pained by the loss of lives due to a fire mishap in Mumbai's Goregaon. Condolences to the bereaved families. I pray that the injured recover soon. Authorities are providing all possible assistance to those affected. An ex-gratia of Rs. 2 lakh from PMNRF would be given to the next of kin of each deceased. The injured would be given Rs. 50,000: PM @narendramodi"
"I am continuously talking with Municipal Commissioner and Police... What happened is unfortunate. I express my condolences to those who died. The government will provide monetary help of Rs 5 lakhs to their families... Those who are injured will be given treatment by the government..." he said.
"Some citizens have lost their lives in the tragic fire that broke out at SRA's Jai Bhawani building in Unnat Nagar, Goregaon. This includes some children. This incident is very unfortunate and I express my condolences to the citizens who lost their lives. I have been getting information from Mumbai Municipal Commissioner and Police Commissioner from time to time regarding this fire incident and I have instructed Mumbai Guardian Minister Deepak Kesarkar and Mumbai Suburbs Guardian Minister Mangalprabhat Lodha to visit the actual spot," the Chief Minister added in the post.
Meanwhile, the BMC has issued a list of the deceased and injured in the Goregaon fire incident. Civil officials said that around 30 people were rescued when the fire engulfed the building.
BJP has sought an inquiry into the entire incident and asked for financial aid for those who suffered the losses in the fire.
"... When a fire occurred, the building was filled with smoke. It was nighttime, so people were sleeping... People experienced problems because of smoke...It was a big fire, so the people from the municipal commission, police, and fire department reached there... Many people were injured, and casualties had occurred. This is an unfortunate incident...There should be an inquiry into this incident. People should be given financial help for their losses. We, along with the Municipal Commission, have shifted them to a school. We are making arrangements there for their food and living..." BJP MLA Vidya Thakur told ANI.
Maharashtra Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha meanwhile said that a high-level inquiry panel will be formed to probe the incident and the committee will submit its report within 15 days.
"It is an extremely unfortunate incident... A high-level inquiry committee will be formed which will submit its report within 15 days. The Maharashtra government will bear all the treatment expenses of all the injured. The Maharashtra government will declare compensation for the deceased by this evening... Best medical facilities would be provided to the injured..." Lodha said.