New Delhi: A minor girl was allegedly raped by her social media 'friend' and was found in an unconscious state near Dabri Metro Station in Delhi's Sagarpur area, police said on Wednesday. Police cited the girl's statement, that she had fainted near the metro station on Tuesday. "She was beaten up and thrown there."

"We got to know that she decided to meet her social media friend. Thereafter she was raped. The girl took a rickshaw to return to her home when she fainted near the metro station and received minor injuries", PTI quoted senior police officer as saying.

As per PTI, Police have detained and booked the accused who is also a minor. Police also mentioned that , "The girl had gone to her coaching class after which she met her friend who allegedly raped her. Some passersby took her to a hospital and informed her family members."

After the incident, she shared the ordeal to her family who then approached the police, the officer said. Further investigation is underway, police remarked, as per PTI.

Case Registered Against 2 Men For Rape Of A Woman In Navi Mumbai

An incident has surfaced from Navi Mumbai, in which a case has been filed against two men for allegedly raping and molesting a 42-year-old woman in Navi Mumbai township of Maharashtra, police said on Wednesday.

According to PTI, "One of the accused repeatedly raped the woman, a resident of Kalamboli area who was already married, after promising to marry her and take care of her children", an official from Kalamboli police station said. The offence occured between June 15, 2022 and May 14, 2023, he said.

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As per PTI, "the man later abused the woman on her caste, threatened to kill her and push her daughter into flesh trade, as per her complaint.  He along with another man also forced the victim to consume liquor and molested her", the official remarked.

The woman filed a police complaint on Tuesday, following which an FIR was registered against the two men under Indian Penal Code sections for rape, molestation and criminal intimidation and provisions of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, he said.