New Delhi: Senior Congress leader and Leader of Opposition in Assam, Debabrata Saikia, sought clarification from Rana Goswami, former working president of the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) over his decision to resign from the party, despite being afforded ample opportunities there.

Saikia praised Goswami as a seasoned leader who ascended from grassroot-level and held several significant positions within the Congress.

Goswami was twice elected to the Assam Assembly on the party's ticket. Saikia noted that the Congress had extended numerous opportunities to Goswami and said the latter was even inducted into the All India Congress Committee (AICC) and spent 5-6 years working for the party in Uttar Pradesh.

“However, of late, Goswami must have been dissatisfied with the Congress for which he left the party, or there may have been other reasons that compelled him to go against the party. I appeal to Goswami to come out publicly and state the reason for resigning from the party which he served for so long. He must come out on what made him to do so, if there are any grievances against the leadership or the party or some other personal reasons,” Saikia said.

Saikia further stressed the importance of constructive criticism, stating that Goswami's insights could assist the party in improvement. He said that a robust Opposition is indispensable for the vitality of Indian democracy, emphasising the need for open dialogue.

“It will help the party to grow as Opposition in Indian democracy. We cannot allow one-sided play and an Opposition-free India to be there, so Goswami should be free and frank about his leaving the party,” Saikia added.

About Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha, another working president of the Congress who recently resigned from his post and voiced support for the BJP-led Assam government's developmental initiatives, Saikia said there was difference with Goswami.

He noted that Purkayastha faced severe pressure due to allegations of economic offences, leading him to join the BJP. However, Saikia said that there were no such allegations against Rana Goswami.

“Purkayastha was under severe pressure for allegations of economic offences, so he was compelled to go to BJP but we never heard any such thing about Rana Goswami, and I take both the cases separately. Purkayastha has resigned as he could not stand the assault and is now praising the BJP for development,” Saikia said.

Addressing rumours of his own potential defection to the BJP, Saikia firmly dismissed such speculations. He affirmed his allegiance to the Congress, citing his adherence to the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi's Ram Rajya, contrasting them with the BJP's version.

“When BJP follows Gandhiji, they should stop following Nathuram Godse and other ideals of a Hindu Rashtra which Mahatma Gandhi did not teach us,” Saikia added.