An FIR has been registered against BJP MLA Bharath Shetty by the Mangaluru Police following his controversial remarks about Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday. The complaint was lodged by local Congress leader Anil Kumar, leading to the FIR under Sections 351(3) and 353 of the Indian Penal Code at Kavoor Police Station.
During a protest rally against Rahul Gandhi organised by BJP on Monday, Bharath Shetty sparked outrage by suggesting that Rahul Gandhi should be "locked in Parliament and slapped" due to his comments about Hindus in a recent parliamentary session. Shetty accused Gandhi of making anti-Hindu statements and called for punitive action against him.
Addressing the rally, Shetty stated, "The Hindu society is one that knows how to use shaastra (Scripture) just as much as it believes in shastras (Weapons). But, we are in a deep slumber. I feel that Rahul Gandhi is trying to awaken all the Hindus from their slumber. Sometimes, I feel it would have been better if someone locked him up inside the parliament and slapped him twice. A few FIRs should be filed, not an assault case. He should be slapped twice properly. I don't understand where he gets the courage from."
The remarks were made during a BJP-led protest against Rahul Gandhi's comments about the Hindu community in Parliament the previous week.
In response, KPCC working president Manjunath Bhadary announced that he would request Home Minister G Parameshwara to take stringent action against Shetty for his incitement to violence. Bhadary emphasized the need for accountability and condemned the inflammatory rhetoric used by the BJP MLA, as reported by The New Indian Express. He added that Rahul did not insult anyone in the Parliament. The Congress has also called for a protest against Shetty's statement.
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