Incessant rainfall continues to batter Himachal Pradesh as the Met Department issued an alert for heavy showers today. The National Highway 5 has been blocked near Chaura, the entry point of district Kinnaur, due to a landslide. According to the weather office, heavy downpours may lead to landslides, flash floods, mudslides, and an increased flow of water in the rivers and drains. The World Bank has offered to provide full support to flood-affected Himachal Pradesh and will provide a comprehensive assessment of the damages, which will aid reconstruction efforts, as reported by PTI.

The National Highway-5 connecting Shimla and Kinnaur district was again closed due to landslides in the Broni drain and Khaneri on Friday.

Here Are Top Points: 

  • According to a statement, the World Bank has offered to conduct an assessment in collaboration with the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) to quantify losses suffered in various sectors such as roads, power, water supply, housing, public buildings, irrigation, agriculture, horticulture, livestock, ecological services, PTI reported.

  • The statement said that the World Bank is ready to provide technical assistance for recovery and reconstruction, disaster risk management, infrastructure design, ecosystem services, and livelihood resilience.

  • As many as 468 roads are still closed for vehicular traffic in Himachal Pradesh, while 552 transformers are damaged and water supply has been affected in 204 places, as reported by PTI. The weather office It also cautioned of moderate to high risk of flash floods in Solan, Shimla and Sirmaur districts and predicted a wet spell in the state till August 3.

  •  In the past 24 hours ending at 6 pm on Friday, light to heavy rain lashed parts of the state with Bhoranj receiving the highest rainfall at 127 mm, followed by Kataula 118 mm, Dharamshala 87 mm, Mandi 63 mm, Rampur 49 mm, Kangra 47 mm, Naina Devi and Sundernagar 42 mm each, and  Kangra recording 36 mm of rainfall, PTI reported. 

  • So far, 184 persons have died in rain-related incidents and road accidents since June 24 when the monsoon hit the state. Thirty-three people are missing as per the state emergency response centre.

  • Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu claimed rain-related damages have been estimated to be around Rs. 8,000 crore, PTI reported.

  • The inordinate rain this season has cost the state Rs 5,536 crore, according to the administration.

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