Ahead of the Haryana Assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party on Saturday launched five guarantees, provided by its chief Arvind Kejriwal. The campaign 'Kejriwal Ki 5 Guarantees' was launched by Sunita Kejriwal in Panchkula. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Sandeep Pathak also joined the Delhi CM's wife during the launch.

The five guarantees by the AAP includes free and 24-hour electricity, free medical treatment, free education, Rs 1,000 per month to all mothers and sisters, and employment to every youth.

On Thursday, the Aam Aadmi Party had said that it will contest all 90 assembly seats in Haryana, claiming people want change and are looking at the party with great hope, PTI reported.

'Haryana Ke Laal' Kejriwal

During the launch, Sunita Kejriwal addressed the people gathered and said: "Do you know that Delhi CM, my husband Arvind Kejriwal is 'Haryana Ke Laal' (son of Haryana). I was married to him in 1994. Arvindji's family lived in Hisar at that time... a very humble family. His father worked in Hisar, where he was brought up and studied. No one could have imagined it even in the dreams that this boy will rule the country's capital."

"It is not a small thing; it is no less than a miracle. Arvindji was born on August 16, 1968 and you will be amazed to know that it was 'Janmashtmi' on that day. This is not a mere coincidence. I feel that God surely wants him to do something," she added.

On Kejriwal's gurantees, Sunita Kejriwal said that the state will get free electricity for domestic category and round-the-clock electricity, if AAP is voted to power.

She also said that the Haryana will get 'mohalla clinics' in cities and villages' similar to Delhi and Punjab.

"The condition of government hospitals will be improved and there will be free and good treatment for everyone," she said, adding that the condition of government schools will also be improved where free education will be provided.

Promising each woman will get Rs 1,000 per month, she said that the same will soon be implemented in Delhi and Punjab. 

Sunita Kejriwal also said that AAP will give employment to all the unemployed youth.

Alleging that PM Modi sent the Delhi CM to jail to "stop his work", she said: "PM Modi is jealous of him. He (Modi) cannot do such things. To stop his work, he sent Kejriwal to jail in a fake case. 

"She said the prime minister called Kejriwal 'chor' (thief). I want to say if he is 'chor' then nobody is honest in the world, she said. Modi ji did not send Kejriwal to jail. Modi put 'Haryana ka laal' in jail," she added.

'Won't Make Promises Like BJP, Congress'

On Friday, AAP's state unit president Sushil Gupta told PTI: "We don't make promises like the BJP and Congress, we give guarantees. These will be Arvind Kejriwal's guarantees, not (Narendra) Modi's hollow guarantees."

Commenting on the five guarantees of AAP for Haryana, Gupta said: "Every person wants Haryana to get 24-hour electricity and water like Delhi and Punjab. Every person should get employment, and drug abuse and crime should be curbed. Haryana needs change."

The campaigning for the upcoming Haryana Assembly polls was kicked off on June 25 by AAP's national general secretary and Rajya Sabha MP from Punjab Sandeep Pathak.