Congress party's Delhi unit came down heavily on Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal who announced to step down from the post of Delhi Chief Minister on Sunday. Delhi Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit said that there was no question of Kejriwal becoming the chief minister again and that the Sunday annoucement was a "mere gimmick." 

"There is no question of becoming the CM again. We have been saying this for a long time that he should resign as the CM... This is a mere gimmick," Dikshit said. 

"This happened for the first time when an elected leader came out of jail on bail, and was asked by the SC to not go to the CMO or sign any papers... Such conditions were never imposed on any other CM...," said the Congress leader.  

"Maybe even the SC fears that this person might try to tamper with the evidence... The SC is treating him like a criminal... There is no correlation of morality and Arvind Kejriwal," he added. 

ALSO READ: Who Will Be Next Delhi CM? BJP's Big Claim As Kejriwal Announces To Step Down

Addressing the party workers for the first time after walking out of jail, Kejriwal said he would "only sit on CM's chair after people give me certificate of honesty" as he announced to resign from the post of Delhi CM in two days. 

He also called for early polls in the national capital along with assembly elections in Maharashtra due to be held in November this year.