Aam Admi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal made a big announcement on Sunday saying he will step down from the post of Delhi Chief Minister on Tuesday. The annoucement came two days after Kejriwal walked out of Tihar Jail after securing bail following a jail term of six months. 

"... I am going to resign from the CM position after two days. I will not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict," said the AAP chief during his first address after being released from jail. "I will become chief minister, Sisodia deputy CM only when people say we are honest," he added. 

Kejriwal also demanded that the assembly elections in Delhi, which are due to be held in February next year, be held in November this year along with Maharashtra. 

On the question of who will be the next Delhi CM, the AAP chief said that the party will hold a meeting of its MLAs in "next couple of days" where it will be decided which AAP leader will take over the chief minister.

"Why did they (BJP) send me to jail? They know very well that I haven’t committed any corruption. Their goal was to break AAP and crush my spirit. They thought that by sending me to jail, the party would fall apart and they could form a BJP government in Delhi. But our party didn’t break. AAP is standing strong against their grand conspiracies," he said. 

"(The Supreme) Court has done what it could by ruling in my favor and granting me bail. Today, I have come to the people's court to ask you whether you consider Kejriwal guilty or honest. In two days, I will be resigning from the CM's position, and I won’t sit in that chair until the people give their decision," he added.