The Bharatiya Janata Party made a big claim on Sunday over the post of Delhi chief minister following the announcement by Arvind Kejriwal to resign from the office, two days after walking out of jail. Earlier in the day, the Aam Aadmi Party chief announced to step down as Delhi CM in two days and demanded early polls in the national capital. 

Reacting to the development, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa said that by announcing his resignation, Kejriwal has not made a sacrifice but this is what the Supreme Court "said in the order that he cannot go near the CM's chair and cannot sign any files." "Hence, you dont have an option, you are forced to resign because of the SC order," he said. 

Sirsa claimed that Kejriwal sought two days' time to resign from CM's post to convince the party MLAs to make his wife, Sunita Kejriwal the chief minister of Delhi. Kejriwal has "asked for a two-day time because he is convincing all MLAs to make his wife the CM," said the BJP leader while speaking to ANI. 

On AAP chief's demand to conduct polls early, Sirsa took a dig saying that people gave their verdict three months ago when AAP could not win a single seat of the seven constituencies during the Lok Sabha polls. 

ALSO READ: Arvind Kejriwal Announces Resignation From Delhi CM Post, To Step Down On THIS Date

Kejriwal, who was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with the alleged irregularities in the implementation of liquor policy in the national capital walked out of the Tihar Jail on Friday.