New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut, who is contesting the Lok Sabha Elections as a BJP candidate from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi seat, on Tuesday filed her nomination. Accompanied by her mother Asha Ranaut and sister Rangoli Chandel, Kangana added a touch of tradition to the occasion by donning a green saree. She was also seen sporting a Himachali cap, as she has done routinely on the campaign trail.

After filing her nomination, Kangana said, "Today I have filed nomination from Mandi LS seat. It is a matter of pride for me to have the opportunity to contest from Mandi..."

"I have been successful in Bollywood and I am hopeful that I will get success in the field of politics as well," she added, as quoted by news agency ANI.


"I have full faith that the country will once again get a historic mandate to make Modi ji the Prime Minister," she said.

Kangana Ranaut expressed her gratitude to the people of Mandi for her foray into electoral politics. She credited their overwhelming support and affection for propelling her into this new chapter of her career.

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Kangana's mother Asha expressed confidence in her daughter's electoral prospects, saying she will "definitely win". She lauded Kangana's past endeavours "for the welfare of the people", and expressed optimism about her continued commitment to serving them in the future. Meanwhile, Rangoli extended her best wishes for Kangana's "new journey" into politics, according to a Hindustan Times report.

Kangana Vs Vikramaditya In Mandi

As Kangana embarks on her maiden bid for a seat in the Lower House, she faces a formidable opponent in Congress heavyweight Vikramaditya Singh, the son of late former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. Himachal Pradesh is scheduled to vote on June 1.

Meanwhile, on the movie front, Kangana Ranaut will next be seen in 'Emergency', her first solo directorial venture. Earlier this year, Kangana announced that the film will release on June 14.