New Delhi: The idea for a diplomatic boycott by the United State of the Winter Olympics at Beijing is being supported by several lawmakers of the country, reported AFP. The reason behind this boycott was to protest against the human rights violations by China. 

As reported by AFP quoting Washington Post sources close to the situation have informed that an official announcement by the White House will follow soon. The announcement will state that neither Joe Biden nor any other officials of the US Government will attend the event. The athletes are still however allowed to participate in the games. 

The report said that the US has already termed repression of the Uyghur Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang region of China as a genocide. Now, with boycotting the sporting event scheduled in February next year, the US will be able to make statements against this repression by the Chinese authorities. 

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According to the report by the Washington Post, it is expected that US President Joe Biden will approve such a move later this month. The suggestion of a boycott had been the official recommendation to the President. 

Earlier this week, Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, held a virtual summit. However, this subject did not come up during the conversation, told a spokesman for the White House. The spokesman also did not specify whether a boycott was being under consideration at the moment or not. 

While there has been no official announcement made yet, several lawmakers have already welcomed the move. Republican Senator Mitt Romney, referring to the Chinese Communist Party, said, "I've long advocated for a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games and I'm hopeful that the Administration will send a strong message to the CCP, without punishing US athletes."

Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, termed the diplomatic boycott as the "correct call" for the United States in Beijing.

While there has been no obligation for the American athletes, some Republican party members want that Biden should call for a total boycott barring the athletes also from competing in the event.