In a special event on Tuesday, Chennai Super Kings honoured the real-life heroes Bomman and Bellie, who are elephant caregivers alongside Oscar-winning filmmaker Kartiki Gonsalves. It was the CSK skipper MS Dhoni who gifted the trio with a personalized CSK jersey after training at the MA Chidambaram stadium. The Chennai-based franchise will also be organizing a special felicitation ceremony for the caregiving duo and the filmmaker ahead of their clash against Delhi Capitals on Wednesday at the stadium.

CSK’s official Twitter handle shared a video where Dhoni was spotted presenting jerseys to the caregivers and an Oscar-winning filmmaker. “Tudumm, Special occasion with very special people”, CSK captioned the post.

"We are very happy to celebrate our elephant caregivers Bomman and Bellie along with Kartiki, whose engrossing storytelling spread the heart-warming tale far and wide. It is a matter of great pride for all of us that our own people have reached the global stage.

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"Conserving Asian Elephants is the need of the hour and we are also happy to extend our support to the two elephants Ammu and Raghu by contributing towards their living expenses," said Chennai Super Kings Cricket Limited CEO, KS Viswanathan. 

Coming from Mudumalai, Bomman and Bellie were assigned the responsibility to take care of an orphaned baby elephant, Raghu. The Mudumalai-based duo slogged a lot and took great care of the elephant, who was injured. Both of them helped Raghu to grow into a  beautiful healthy juvenile. Filmmaker Kartiki's effort ensured the bond between man and animal in its truest form.

Talking about the last Chennai Super Kings clash, the Men in Yellow invited Mumbai Indians to bat first, stopping them to a below-par 139/8 in 20 overs, and then chased down the target of 140 in 17.4 overs.