Bhavnagar: As IPL 2021 was postponed, players have left their bio bubbles and have reached home to support their families in these unprecedented times. While some players rejoiced after reuniting with their families, it was a difficult time for Rajasthan Royals' Chetan Sakariya who got to know that his father has tested positive for the virus and has been admitted to the hospital.

Sakariya is especially worried as his father is a diabetic patient and after he returned home his entire time is being spent in the hospital taking care of his father.

For domestic players like Sakariya, uncapped and without a central contract, money from the IPL is a source of livelihood.

 Fortunately for Sakariya, half of the IPL did take place, helping him earn some money that he could send to his family in this hour of need.

“I was lucky because I had received my part payment from Rajasthan Royals a few days ago. I straight away transferred money back home, and that is helping my family the most in my toughest time,” Sakariya told The Indian Express after coming to know that his father had tested positive for the virus last week.

Chetan Sakaria who was picked at Rs 1.23 crores at IPL auction also told The Indian Express, "People are saying stop IPL. I want to tell them something, I am the only bread earner in my family. Cricket is the only source of my earnings. I can give better treatment to my father because of the money I earned from IPL"

On Thursday, BCCI president Sourav Ganguly suggested that the 2021 IPL could be completed in a window just prior to the men's T20 World Cup. There are still 31 matches left in the IPL. Three weeks with multiple double-headers across a few venues are likely to be enough and UAE remains a top contender for the venue.