Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) skipper Virat Kohli on Monday meant business straightaway as he warned his team members to strictly follow the protocols in IPL's virtual meeting and said "one mistake could spoil their Indian Premier League (IPL) season". As per the guidelines issued by the authorities to maintain social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic, all players who landed in Dubai to take part in the IPL have been asked to 'strictly restrict' themselves to their rooms for six days.

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"We have followed what's been told to us and I would expect everyone to be on the same page in terms of securing the bubble at all times and making sure that nothing is compromised," Kohli said.

"Because I think one mistake by any one of us could literally spoil the whole tournament. And none of us want to do that," he said.

RCB's director of cricket operations Mike Hesson and head coach Simon Katich were present in the meeting as they shed light on the consequences of violating the rules.

"It (violation) will be dealt with very seriously. For accidental breach, players will be removed and sent to isolation for seven days and then come back only after he tests negative. There will be strong consequences if the players choose to do that (violate protocols). They will sign a document which explains the consequences," Hesson said.

Kohli added, "We have to understand that we need to protect the bubble."

"I can't wait to get to our first practice session, something that we all are going to cherish. An opportunity to create a good team culture from Day 1. For me it's all about what can I do to create an environment where everyone feels a part of the team equally and everyone feels responsible for where we want to go equally," he said.