India all-rounder Rishi Dhawan has announced his retirement from white-ball cricket. Dhawan shared the news on his social media on January 5 (Sunday), shortly after Himachal Pradesh's exit from the group stages of the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy (VHT). The 34-year-old featured in four international matches for India, all in 2016, marking his India debut under MS Dhoni’s captaincy. He has also been part of IPL teams like Mumbai Indians, Punjab Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders in the past but went unsold in the latest auction. Notably, Rishi Dhawan was part of the Mumbai Indians squad in 2013 when the franchise secured its maiden IPL title.

Dhawan captained Himachal Pradesh to their first-ever domestic title in the Vijay Hazare Trophy 2021/22, where he emerged as the team’s second-highest run-scorer and wicket-taker. 

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In his retirement announcement post, Dhawan mentioned his retirement is limited to white-ball cricket, indicating that he will continue playing first-class cricket for Himachal Pradesh. He has featured in all five Ranji Trophy matches for his state this season.

Dhawan expressed gratitude for a 20-year journey filled with joy and cherished memories and thanked his state cricket association and the Indian Premier League (IPL) teams that he was part of.

“It’s with a heavy heart, even though I have no regrets, that I’d like to announce my retirement from Indian cricket (Limited over). It’s a sport that has defined my life for the past 20 years. This game has given me immeasurable joy and countless memories that would always stay very close to my heart,” Rishi wrote on Instagram.

“I want to take a moment to show my gratitude towards the opportunities that were given to me by Board of Control of Cricket in India (BCCI), Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association (HPCA), Punjab Kings, Mumbai Indians and Kolkata Knight Riders.”

Here's what Rishi Dhawan said in his retirement post:

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“From humble beginnings to representing my nation on the grandest stages, it has been a privilege beyond measure. Cricket has been my passion, and my reason for waking up every morning. I would like to thank all of my coaches, mentors, teammates, and support staff for the valuable contributions you have made to shaping me into the person I am today,” Dhawan added.

“To all the fans, you have been the blood and soul of this game for me. Your cheers and chants will always be close to my heart. I will forever cherish the love and adulation that you have showered upon me. Thank you so much, because your support makes cricket truly special,” wrote the 34-year-old.