While the Covid cases in India are showing a downward trend in most states, the Indian team has got a huge setback ahead of the series with England. According to the latest reports, two Indian players tested positive for Coronavirus in UK

The identity of the player has not been revealed and other teammates have also undergone the Covid tests. For now, only one player has tested positive for the virus. The player has been quarantined in London and will not travel to Durham for the match.

According to a report by ANI, another player from the Indian squad had tested positive for the virus but has now returned negative and is doing fine now. 

Both the players are fine now and are asymptomatic and there were minor signs of cough and cold when they tested positive.

The BCCI has asked all the players and support staff who came in close contact with the player to isolate themselves for the next three days. Other than the player who is positive for the virus, all the players are supposed to travel to Durham, as planned. Those who need to be quarantined will then be isolated from the rest.

The player who has been tested positive was reportedly spotted at crowded places during the 3-week break.

The news of the Indian cricketer testing positive comes in the wake of the virus sweeping through the England camp ahead of their limited-overs home series against Pakistan.  Last week, before the start of the ODI series, ECB had confirmed that seven members including three players and four staffers had tested positive.

The Indian cricket team is set to play a 3-day practice Test against Select County XI from July 20. Because of the Covid-19 case in the team, a few players could be unavailable for the match.