London: After just picking one wicket in 42 overs in the first innings for Surrey, Ravichandran Ashwin came back strongly in the second innings as he picked up six Somerset wickets. Surrey vs Somerset is being played at the Kennington Oval in London. 

Somerset had a big lead going into the second innings of 89 runs but they could not capitalize on the lead as they were bundled out for just 69 runs. Ravi Ashwin picked six wickets for 27 runs. His figures of 6/27 on Surrey debut have put the County side in a commanding position on Day 4 at the Oval. Alongside Ashwin, the left-arm spinner Daniel Moriarty also picked up 4 wickets. It was a day that belonged to the Surrey spinners.

Here are Ravi Ashwin's all 6 Wickets


This County match bowling has provided a much needed match-practice time for Ashwin before heading for India vs England 5-match Test series. Ashwin had a disappointing start to his Surrey career as he managed just one wicket in the first innings but the Indian spin master turned it around for Surrey to have a chance in the second innings of the match. 

Ashwin attained a special record against Somerset at The Oval on Sunday. The veteran spinner became the first spinner to bowl the first over in an English County match in the last 11 years. Earlier in the year 2010, Jeetan Patel had done this.

Before Surrey, Ashwin has played for Nottinghamshire and Worcestershire. After this, he will join the Indian team for a practice session to prepare for the Test series against England. The first Test match of the five-match Test series between India and England will begin on August 4.