In the latest update from the BCCI, a historic decision was taken as from now on office bearers of the richest cricket board in the world, will be getting a daily allowance of USD 1000 on foreign trips and will fly first-class. In the Apex Council meeting on Sunday, the decision was made but it will be implemented from October 2023. The daily payment has been updated after a long wait of seven years as previously, the office bearers of BCCI used to get USD 750 per day on overseas tours.

As per the PTI, the office bearers, consisting of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and joint secretary will also be paid Rs 40,000 per day for meetings in India and if at all they travel to foreign countries, they will be going in business class. For work purposes, they are authorized for traveling in business class and they can also book suite rooms both on domestic and overseas trips. IPL chairman’s allowances will also come under the office-bearers' category.

According to PTI,” Members of the BCCI Apex Council, including two representatives from the Indian Cricketers' Association, will get Rs 40,000 per day for their quarterly meetings and USD 500 on overseas tours. However, it is usually the office bearers who travel overseas for work.”

“The board has also revised the allowances for the members of its state units who will now get Rs 30,000 per day during domestic travel and USD 400 on foreign travel”, the PTI report further stated.

The three members of the Cricket Advisory Committee who are responsible to select a head coach for both men's and women's national teams will be getting Rs 3.5 lakh each for meetings. If they travel overseas, they will be paid an amount of USD 400 per day. Notably, the BCCI official bearer's post is a respected one where the CEO will be getting a daily allowance of USD 650 on foreign tours and Rs 15,000 per day within India.

(With PTI Inputs)