Kajol took to her Instagram to share a beautiful collage of her friends including Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar. In the collage, she shared a picture with her sister Tanishaa Mukerji, Madhura Samarth, Mayuri Garware. She also included choreographer Bhaavesh Gandhi, producer Ryan Stephen and screenwriter Niranjan Iyengar in the collage.
nushka Sharma shared a throwback childhood picture with a gang of friends where they can be seen enjoying a birthday party. The ‘NH10’ actress can be seen smiling her heart out in the picture. She long a long caption and ended it with, “….This one’s for all our friends. To the ones we’ve grown up with and the ones who are with us today....Wishing everyone a very happy friendship day!”
Vicky Kaushal shared a black and white collage of friends. The collage consists of 12 people including our ‘URI’ star. He wrote a very simple caption but it encapsulated the emotion behind the picture. His caption read, “R.G.I.T Batch 2005.”
Bipasha Basu shared a collage with her hubby Karan Singh Grover and called him her bestest friend. The couple looks adorable in the pictures. She wrote, “Sunday morning scruffy cuddles with your best friend is the besttt everrrrrrr. Happy friendship day to my bestest friend @iamksgofficial . Love you #monkeylove”
Milind Soman also took to his Instagram and shared a picture of him running with his wife Ankita Konwar. The couple tied the knot two years back in April 22, 2018 and since then, they have been setting couple goals. However, after seeing the actor’s Friendship Day 2020 post, we can say they are up for setting some friendship goals too!